Ding dong the witch is dead!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dave d, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Finally, I get to wear my black suit and tap shoes together!!!

    This woman destroyed this part of the country and I for one and many like me will not shed a tear at her passing.
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  2. cbr1

    cbr1 Active Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    time for a drink me thinks :D
  3. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Just a shame a BIG fork of lightning don't strike the rest of the tossers DEAD!
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  4. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    And just look at the loads of thieving fraudsters that have replaced her since .Something had to give as Britain was in a situation of everything we made was costing twice as much to produce as it was worth and although I am not a lover of any of them the clear out seemed to put the country back on course and just as things where Turning for the better Labour won the election and although everyone on this forum has filled their boots for Ten years the situation has been managed by a gang of idiots including the biggest tosspot Tony Iraq Blair who is now making millions per year and through him alone the country is crawling with every sponging vermin ever and England will never be returned to the English .VOTE FOR UKIP :)
    • Like Like x 11
  5. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Also my thoughts went to all who were killed to remove weapons of mass destruction, which seems to be now more about Oil profits? strange that
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  6. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    I quite admired our Maggie! :p
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  7. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    she messed up so much over here, but I wont get into all that :rolleyes: :D
  8. Doodles

    Doodles Active Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    People seem to have a very strange view of history! Here are a few nuggets with how anymore specifically why a lot of industries were destroyed by her, and what's more, destroyed with the mandate of the British people. The 70's were blighted by the trade unions waiting for winter and then coming out on strike at its heart. Holding the country to randsom for annual pay rises of up to 36% above inflation. This was the likes of Scargill and co and they bled us dry. We were bankrupted by them. And then the winter of discontent happened. They all came out, miners, power workers, transport workers, even funeral directors, everything tied into the TGWU came out. The entire country was ruined. Rubbish not collected for months. Rats everywhere. And the unions laughed, and brought down Callaghans labour government.
    And Thatcher stood up at the general election and made one simple promise " elect me and this will never happen again, elect me and I will destroy them"
    Aw won a landslide on that promise, she became the last elected prime minister to actually hold true to her election promise.
    She did exactly what she said, she utterly destroyed the unions, obolitered them.
    The cost was those industries.
    We knew that would be the price.
    But we would not allow them to he us to randsom again.
    What she did, she did with our blessing. He socialists and people who backed those strikes,have only themselves to blame for what happened.
    She didn't destroy those industries and communities for fun or part of a class war.
    She did it to stop them hiding the country to randsom again, and then she held the purse strings tight and rebuilt the economy and he country and Britain again stood tall and thrived.
    We won back the global respect we had lost while the left wing ruled.

    In the Falklands we were thankful of her being in office.
    Those of us who went south in 82 did so knowing we had a leader who would not and did not interfere. She sent the military and allowed us to do our job. Gave us the money, the equipment a d most of all the freedom to get the job done. Our lands had been invaded, we had a gun up our nose. She led us.
    Frankly Thatcher took a very broken Britain by the hand like a strict old fashioned matron and led the country back to where it had once been. We were the worlds 3rd major power in all respects. The world has never been safer than when she was in Downing Street.
    • Like Like x 20
  9. Benn The Pig

    Benn The Pig Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Whatever happened happened but 10 million quid on her funeral is a Fukin joke how can they justify that when the country is in financial ruin!!!
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  10. el-nicko

    el-nicko Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The world is watching us mate.
  11. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Lady Thatcher fought a four-year battle to reduce Britain’s payments to the European Economic Community and won a rebate in 1984 that has brought in £75 billion for the UK so far.

    That should more than cover it i reckon :eek:;)
  12. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Now Now! Benn you know there will be'' overtime galore for all'';) policing the venue. Just look at the millions and millions she saved us on the Euro rebate which was handed back by Blair. RIP Maggie job done.
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  13. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Here here Doodles, couldn't have put it better myself.

    Did anyone hear the radio 4 presentation early this morning on her interview in Russia. Off course you didn't, you were still in your pits dreaming through rose coloured glasses about what the UK was like before her. She was outstanding, simply outstanding and I am hopeful they will broadcast the whole interview at some point. I for one will mourn her passing, she had more balls than most PM's before or after her. Churchill being one exception of course.

    Sent from Freedom's Hellberry
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  14. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    Fuck me, some bloody brilliant posts on here.
    Do like reading both sides of the argument from the working peoples perspective.
    Keep up the good work guys.
  15. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I would imagine most of the ten million will be spent on stopping the idiotic fanatics (most of whom were probably only toddlers during her reign) from disrupting what should be a respectful and sombre tribute to a great leader!
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  16. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    If today's PM's had half the Balls she had then we would be in a far better state than we are today.

    She'd not have stood for the influx of freeloading foreign Scum hell bent on bleeding the social state money tree dry whilst impregnating their partners right rapid on entrance to the UK so their next generation of freeloaders give them the excuse to stay here 'cause we have family here' attitude.

    The BNP have some sound policies albeit crudely put across.
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  17. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I was on a contract law refresher training course for the last two days (yawn yawn) and applied the Japanese principle of negotiation by saying nothing and closing my eyes for thinking time for most of it (the uneducated might have thought I was asleep, and they would probably have been right) but during the odd moment when I was listening some little shit who was not old enough to offer a first-hand constructive opinion brought up the Maggie issue, it took all my well-honed negotiation skills and self-control to bring him down in front of his peers without resorting to knocking his teeth down his throat.
    It is really, really starting to boil my piss that folk are slagging her off without any proper knowledge of what they are talking about or what she did for this country.
    Let the wonderful lady go to her maker with the dignity she deserves.
    Oh, and just in case you are wondering. Yes I vote conservative and am a protestant, not that that has any bearing on my view on this issue or care or interest in anyone else’s believe and political leanings. I take as I find and am not racist in any form, but on this issue I am taking a stand.
    I am sorry if this has offended anyone, and if you have been, tough shit, live with it. I am only exercising my right to free speech and if you don't like it. Do one.
    #17 Freedom of choice, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
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  18. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    An opinion held by many enjoying life who have never had to work doing manual labour as a matter of course, given an education outside the working class towns of the midlands and north in the 80,s. We had a country full of engineers, tradesmen, and elite businessmen. The businessmen did what they had to do, they sold the working class down the road to allow cheap goods to be imported to a new Europe, we then started to push money around in circles as there was no going back. Shame our German, French allies did not do the same in shutting down all their industrial strenght, we might still be a player when trying to negotiate with Europe. However this is only an opinion whilst I do one
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  19. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Good point Shameless but being of an age to remember pre Maggie days the Engineers you talk about where very highly skilled but week after week all you every read in the papers was Engineers are striking and what some of our younger viewers will not know about is that these strikes could be a full on walk out because an electrian is off on the sick and a light bulb was out over a fitters bench and no one could screw a new one in because "it's not their job " so the production line goes down .Same as British Leyland and Fords Strike after strike with the full works of say 6000 men and women coming out and this could be over and was over because loads of them kept getting caught out sleeping on the job and I am not talking about a 2 min nap at the bench I am talking about blokes clocking in and going straight to make shift rooms full of beds this then got the men suspended and because of this everybody out the unions would cry.And this and only this bullshit is why we have no manufacturing now and even in the 80s I was doing contract work at GEC in Trafford park in Manchester and at the height of the 50s twenty eight thousand dudes worked there in the 80s there was 4500. There and in the 90s it was demolished they had the lot on site massive canteens .shops .hairdressers .bowling greens .travel agents ect ect and whilst we where sat on cement bags having a butty this is what the engineers were throwing away. I also worked in loads of the Mills around Oldham and Manchester and the same thing here hard working skilled people but working in the same conditions as folks from a hundred years previous and that's why King cotton was over we just as a country stood still with no investment .I don't think anyone on here could knock the miners for what they had to go through to get a crust as it was truly appalling but the brutal reality is that the country was being held to ransom by Scargill and his cronies and it needed sorting out and just to end this do you relise that although the mines are long gone Scargill still retains his free apartment in the centre of London and all his freebies and pensions he helped himself to on the backs on the miners .
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  20. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    All good points, my opinion of Scargil is the same as Thatcher.
    My family were miners I am an engineer, I have no problem with getting rid of the union way, the government at that time did not need completly need to crush comunities.

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