Just had the joining instructions for my upcoming track day which has got me a little excited and just wanted a little help/pointing in the right direction. I have to have my lights off and they suggest the simple method (switching off), unplugging the bulbs or taping them up. I can't switch them off and figured the easiest thing would be to pull the fuse or is there a particular reason that I shouldn't? I'd have thought that's safer than having loose wires flapping about and just pop the fuse back before I ride home.
On my RR7 I just disconnected the cable and then used some garden cable twist to secure it to the strut between the yoke and the dash. Kept it out the way and was simple to put back on afterwards.
are you doing a novice session ? if so, then you shouldn't have to do much more than turn in your mirrors to be able to go on track. but saying that, I've never been to cadwell so not 100% sure on their policy, but most don't ask for all that. might be worth checking with the organisers
Just tape the headlights up and fold the mirrors in. Cover your speedo up too, last thing you want to do is look at it.
When I went i taped up headlight, folded mirros (but in the end put back in road position and taped up cos they were annoying me) and taped up plate and rear tailight didnt have any problems, just remember to take it all off again if you go back on the road to fill up, like i didn't
Aslong as you are not riding on full beam they will accept the daytime running light! Never bothered me in four visits.
ive also got my first one at RAF Waddington this Saturday, this has been a great help, ill go buy some gaffer tape