Offshore Workers

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Bar, May 28, 2013.

  1. Bar

    Bar New Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Anybody on here like myself work in the Oil and Gas industry? Be interesting to see who does what on what rig/s :)
  2. GSP

    GSP Active Member

    May 1, 2011
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    I work in offshore renewables now, rather than O&G. Mainly from a project and safety management perspective.

    Looking at going back into O&G sometime in the furture contracting as my circumstances have changed recently, so much less financial risk if I was out of contract for an extended period of time
  3. Bar

    Bar New Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Yeah, I know a few lads who maintain the windfarms, they seem to enjoy the work.

    I've worked in O&G for 7 years now, it's flown in. Been everything from Survey/ROV on Vessels to Telecoms in Drilling and now Instrument Systems in Production. Variety is the spice of life! haha
  4. GSP

    GSP Active Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Both industries are pretty healthy at the minute.

    Renewables will be getting quite for the next couple of years for new projects, but the service aspect is still busy. Then towards the end of 2015 the UK will be struggling to find enough competent people to do the work.

    There is a rediculous amount of renewables work in europe at the moment. I get calls daily to try and get me over to Germany and Denmark, but I'm quite happy for the time being.
  5. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Im currently working for nestle as an engineer almost out of my time, once ive done my masters how do I get into it?? I've heard there's lots of money to be had!
  6. GSP

    GSP Active Member

    May 1, 2011
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    There can be. Depends on your background and experience.

    O&G is a bit of a black art, and more of a who you know. There is work for almost any trade, but every man and his dog wants in,and everyone has a mate that will get a position first.

    Renewables are crying out for competent Electrical and Mechanical Engineers at the minute. All of the main developers are recruiting for technicians once their service period is up. All of the main turbine manufacturer are recruiting for installation and commissioning technicians, as well as service technicians. Then you have all the 3rd party suppliers of resource like Dawson, 3sun, Global Wind Service, etc.
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  7. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    what sort of wages would you be looking at as an engineer?
  8. MIKE

    MIKE Active Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Hi Bar

    I work offshore, slightly different role/part of the puzzle. I work for Bristow's.

    Did 5 years on the North Sea, 18 months out of Aberdeen and then out of Norwich. Now based all over the shop, but mainly Africa for my sins.


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  9. vvtr

    vvtr New Member

    May 27, 2013
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    ive done a fair bit of offshore and still have my bosiet and stuff...
    regarding wages, we used to get 12hrs normal pay plus £285 a day - and we were the scum on the platforms lol. the kitchen staff and cleaners were on more!
    beltin lifestyle if you can get used to the permits and doing fk all.

    last time i was out was 10 days, and in that time a team of 8 fitters managed to scrape the head gasket off a big cylinder head off a pump!
    id say it was about 2hrs work for a pole. :lol:

    best thing about it is the food = awesome! as in bloody brilliant. best ever!

    spoke to a few permanent guys there, one collected aston martins and had a hanger darn sarf with 14 for his retirement, another lad, only 26 was having a house built in aberdeen, it looked like a hotel lol.
    great if you can get on. i subcontracted for lundin and dno who operate a lot of the oil platforms off aberdeen.
    and also for a few gas rigs off norfolk.

    get in there lad!

    the training is ace as well, i loved it, even though i got my fingers broke trying to exit a submerged heli!

    these days i do mostly compressed air and instrumentation, control gear etc. easy money!
  10. Bar

    Bar New Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Ain't that the truth!

    Production Platforms are the bread and butter but it's solid to get a decent core crew role unless you were:
    A) Very lucky and timed the application right and are a timeserved spark/mech with survivals
    B) Did an apprenticeship with an Oil company who give you a role at the end of it...
    or most commonly
    C) Know someone who knows someone...

    I didn't know anyone.. It's taken me 7 years to get into production.. But I've taken a wealth of knowledge from working in Drilling and Survey vessels in my journey!

    Is it worth it?... Yes.. without a doubt. :)
  11. ddc

    ddc Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Been in O&G now for 16 years. Started off with Wellserv (Who no longer exist) as a Coiled Tubing Trainee. Then moved onto PSL as a Coiled Tubing Operator. With Hydratight at the moment as a Field Supervisor, been with them for 9 years now but just put my notice in last week and will be joining Enermech next month in the same type role :)
    Same job, different overalls but more money ! ;)
  12. bob

    bob Active Member

    May 14, 2012
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    Offshore just now as rep on an Rov boat for bp! Home Tuesday think about booking first track day at Knockhill next Friday!

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