I have never owned a fireblade before, have always had another brand. I had a accident a few moths ago and paid out for my old bike which was a year 2000 model of another brand and have bought a 1000rr 05 model. i have not been able to ride and get the most from the bike until last week, when going around corners it seemed to lose drive and when i opened the throttle more it seemed the chain was loose then snapping into gear and drive. Anyone any thoughts.
Hi firstly welcome to the forum, not quite sure on your issues do you mean it's almost jumping out of gear or as if its running out of fuel?
Welcome to the forum Paul, like Martin said, you need to give a bit more to work on, it could be any one of a number of things.
A loose chain wouldn't necessarily make you lose drive unless it was jumping teeth on the cogs. Then, trust me, you'd be certain, without more details it sounds more like clutch slip.
Hi, I don't think its clutch slip but could you tell me more about tilt switch. other way to describe it is when you throttle down and put power on it seems to take up a little slake from somewhere and clonks and starts to drive. Also thanks to everyone welcoming me to the fire blade site and ownership.