Young pillion riders

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Blade1000man, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Blade1000man

    Blade1000man Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Hi all,

    My 8 year old son is desperate to come for a ride out with me, but I don't know what to do for the best. I don't want to kit him out only to find he hates it, but there again I don't want to risk him by taking him out without decent protection. I'm obviously going to take it easy, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be protected just in case.

    Have any of you guys had the same issue? What did you do?
  2. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    This is something that I have thought about but as I have no pegs it won't happen but I have an eight year old grandson and I sometimes consider what if,and my worry would be him losing concentration and losing grip or even nodding off which seems unlikely but you won't know if he has had a good nights sleep prior ,so whilst this is a little over the top he must be over protected if going on the road with the best gear you can buy ! Why ? Just look at all the old biffers out there just waiting to t bone you .
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  3. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Grew up on the back of dads bike, in not great kit by today's standards. But always in my own proper fitting lid, jacket, gloves, jeans and ankle boots.... Loved it, gave me the passion and I think made me a better rider for it.

    I'd say go for it, but make sure the wee fella is protected. Just think, in 8 years time you could be going out on your 1st ride out together!!
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  4. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    My kids started coming out on the back at around that age, kitted them out in leathers, and they used their motox helmets, gloves and boots, as they were motocrossing by then.
    They refused to get on by mid teens, when they found it too uncomfortable with a tiny perch and no grips and were nearly as big as me.

    No easy answer mate, only you know whats best for your own kids.
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  5. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    My Kids are banned from Biking! :eek:

    Far too dangerous! :eek:
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  6. Blade1000man

    Blade1000man Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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  7. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    When my youngest was about 25 he got a GSXR 600 and one time I was following him at a decent pace and he decided to overtake an artic on a blind left hand bend its not something you want to see ,hoping the prick comes out the other side ok which he did .
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  8. Mike07

    Mike07 Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Kids grow out of the kit so quickly, I have a ten year old, its not too bad as he is motocrossing. I buy him second hand kit, and he uses that. I insist on a good new helmet, but other things can be safe and not new. they tend to get little ware and are just grown out. and often when he outgrows them you can get your money back. Obliviously safety must come first but select carefully and the safety issues are fine. Finally don't worry about him hating it ... he's out on a bike with his hero, he'll love it, I can't get out the house without mine standing with his helmet in hand looking all doe eyed.
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  9. browndog

    browndog Active Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    I'm jostling with the idea of taking my daughter out, she's a real petrol head & always on about having a "backy" but I feel I have a lot to learn yet without having to worry about anything going wrong while she's with me, but if I did decide to take her out she'd look something like an ordnance disposal expert with extra Kevlar :D
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  10. glynn

    glynn Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    My lad comes out with me occasionally. I made sure he had all the right gear. I too was apprehensive that he wouldn't like it at first but he did and now whenever its sunny its a case of "can we go on the bike". Sometimes wish I'd never introduced him to it as I like to go out alone.
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  11. Andy

    Andy Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    I never really pushed my daughter to go on the back of my bike then one day when she was 14 she said she would like to try.

    Luckily the wife's leather clothing was suitable, a little on the large size but her boots and helmet were a good enough fit for a little test ride.

    So off we went, still in the a 30mph zone we came to our first roundabout, went to tip the bike in and all I heard were screams followed by Dad take me home I hate it.... Never even made it out the town

    Problem solved !!!!
    #11 Andy, Aug 29, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
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  12. Kevin1

    Kevin1 Elite Member

    May 30, 2012
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    My son wanted to go out on the 600rr, he'd be about 9 at the time. So I bought all the gear for him. He went out about 5 times, then wouldn't go on it again for some reason. All his gear was then sold at a hefty loss on ebay.
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Mmmm tough one.Kids grow too quick.My advice is get em some second hand kit or borrow if you can and take em out for a ride.Ask about, someone close may help you out.
    Some people may knock getting second hand kit but its your money down the drain if the kid doesn't want to go out after a couple of rides.
    I bought my son a lid to come out with me he came on the back of my k1 gixxer twice and on the blade a couple of times.Luckily the wife Julie has the same size head so she uses it when she comes out.
    If not buy new but you know you will lose money.
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  14. Blade1000man

    Blade1000man Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Thanks for all the replies guys.
    I've got a feeling it'll be a case of a few goes and done, so I'm going to try and get a new lid with some second hand kit and take it from there.

    I give it a few weeks and it'll all be back on eBay. :p
  15. jimglasgow

    jimglasgow Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Maybe get him a lid and go for a gentle spin round the block, he will know then if he likes after going round a few corners....good luck, hate something which is difficult to decide, as we as kids would wanna a backie!
  16. HRCTrev09

    HRCTrev09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    I'm in no doubt I will have this dilemma in a couple of years :eek:
    I have two wee boys aged 5yrs & 3yrs and they're both bike mad! But in today society we've been conditioned with all things P.C and Health & Safety gone mad it is a difficult decision to make!
    A few weeks ago driving home from a family day out, I notice a R1 behind me and the rider had Rossi replica Dainese leathers which were cool as but when he overtook me to my shock & horror he had a very small boy on the back 5 or 6 max my initial thoughts were " No Fcukin Way!!! What a irresponsible twat" :mad: altho the boy was wearing a fair amount of gear including a neckbrace!
    But on reflection I remember blasting about on the back of my brother's RD250 no lid or gear when I wasn't much older! But saying that we do tend to over protect our kid these days! "No that to dangerous" is often a parents cry!
    There is a video on YouTube where a wee one does a backward somersault and lands in the middle of the road when his dad blasts away from the lights! Just to reinforce the dangers and our paranoia
    It is a difficult one mate and I really don't envy you!
    At this moment in time it's unthinkable for me because they are so small but you have to go with your gut when the time comes!
    Just make sure you leave a big enough hole in the bubble wrap so they can breath :D

    Good luck!
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  17. Snowcat

    Snowcat Active Member

    Jul 12, 2012
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    My son and daughter (10 & 16) both come out on the bike at any opportunity. Even went on a ride out with both of them with the lads to Devils Bridge, all kit is 2nd hand off eBay except the lids which were brand new. I have ventura luggage brackets fitted to mine and always fit the pack rack when the kids are on to act as a back rest and prevent to possible aforementioned back flip off the bike. Also invested in a set of love handles which is basically a strap that attaches to you with two handles on the back for them to hold on to.

    Incidentally on the trip back from Devils Bridge my lad was on the back of a mates Duc 996 and he fell asleep and I mean out cold slumped over my mate. Heart in mouth time for me and managed to gently coax him awake without shocking him and him falling off the bike but just goes to show the V-twin Ducs aren't as exciting as V-twin Duc owners make out!!
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  18. samuk

    samuk Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2011
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    my 6 year olds wants to go on my bike - say dad my feet can reach the pegs now... lol
  19. barry107

    barry107 Active Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    As others have said and i'm sure you would, get litte'un a half decent lid. Mine used his motorcross lid, boots, body armour etc,etc.

    Since my oldest was 1yr old his use to travel with me in the car to Brands to watch World Superbikes, when he was 8 he said can we go on the bike dad instead of the car!

    What i did was;
    In a 20 zone i did 10mph then worked up 20
    30 zone i did 20mph then worked up to 30.
    I did this in 40's, 50's, 60's and finally until we was happliy doing 70's on the M25 (on for 1junction), he loved it.

    Both he and I gained confidance doing it this way, i also found he prefered the twisty bits better :D

    He just turned 16 last week and i've just bought him his first road bike, an Aprilia Sr50r :)
  20. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    I feel your pain matey!
    I have been giving my little lad 'Max' rides (its my only transport) since he was 6!!
    I was shitting a brick at first, I already had a Rossi replica AGV lid from my eldest, so set about buying the rest of the gear from ebay (its not worth buying new as kids gear is barely used before they've outgrown it).
    Get them to hold/cuddle you and not the grab rail/holes, then you can feel when they have hold properly. Obviously you ride like a complete granny when they are on the back until you feel confident that they understand the importance of safety and holding on.
    Youll be surprised how their survival instinct kicks in and they are quite secure. you only have to travel slowly at fierst as it will seem fast to me its not long before they try making you go faster (lower gear same speed is a good trick btw).
    I know a young lady who pillioned her kiddie and as an extra precaution she put a bungie round him and her!!??
    There is a picture of my Max on this forum coming back from the air ambulance run last year.

    One thing I know for sure is that his daddy is the coolest at school, and he loves every minute on the bike.
    Just remember thats your flesh and blood and that is more than enough for you to be 4 times as vigilant and ride defensively.

    I do wish he would take his crash helmet off in the playground on the odd occasion i give him a lift to school :) its hysterical.

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