Tips with back pain

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wedgiewolves#223, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    First day of holiday Tuesday at work our lad the div had left a little welding bottle lying on floor I stepped on it one foot slipped forward thought nothing of it

    Woke Wednesday lower back pain not immense but enough to notice and its still here today I have a track day Monday I have done the usual deep heat and tried as much to rest

    Hopefully by Monday it's gone but any one got any tips or tricks to make me move a bit better

    Cheers WW
  2. billo01

    billo01 Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I believe the worst you can do is rest up. Always try to keep the movement going in the back, even then you'll probably find your movement will be restricted as you'll want to resist aggravating the problem so take ibuprofen for anti-inflammatory and paracetamol for pain killing. Have a look on the net for some gentle back exercises. I use a bag of frozen peas and alternate this with a hot water bottle, I'm led to believe this will get the blood pumping around the injured area which is apparently better for an injury. My opinion anyway, I'm no expert. I'm a long term back sufferer but since I've been doing circuit training for a number of years this has certainly helped especially with upper body strength on the bike. Good luck, it will go.
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  3. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Thanks ill do a few laps around the yard and pain killers it is cheers again
  4. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    As above Wedgie, always finish with the cold, gets the blood and oxygen back into the damaged or contracted fibres. Strong anti inflams to help the area with pain relief and reduce swelling.

    Normally the muscles contract and tighten as a natural reflex to protect the spine, sounds like they have possibly gone into spasm, that's the normal course of events.
    If it persists, some deep muscle massage can definitely help, personally if you go that route, try a Osteo rather than a physio, but it personal preference on that one.

    Like Billo, also a long term sufferer mate, screwed my back up big time with a number of big offs trackwise, makes me PMSL when women say childbirth is the most painful thing in life, bullsh*t they lay there on their backs with an epidural.....lasts a fraction of the time compared with a life of back pain
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  5. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Thank you I have had some antis which have helped and I'm not just sitting at my desk I'm moving about which seeming to make me move a bit better .

    Thanks for taking time to respond I really appreciate it lee
  6. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Full sensual back massage from the missus should do the trick?
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  7. navvy10

    navvy10 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Good advice above! I am also a fellow back sufferer ( we should start a group :D ) and it is key not to rest and let it seize up and just keep the gentle exercise going.

    I visit an osteopath for 'massages' every month or so just to help keeps things loose and not at all to do with an hour of pampering and attention ;)

    Might be worth getting one of those warm compress kits that you can strap around you and give the area heat to help...
  8. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    I am registered 40% disabled because of my back problems, so you have my sympathy.

    When mine gets really bad, Chiropractor works for me. There have been occasions where I have had difficulty crawling in, but 30 minutes later I have walked out upright.

    It is also an unobtrusive form of treatment (actually it is very relaxing :D) and having tried physios and osteopaths in the past with no affect, Chiropractor works for me every time, but it has to be a McTimmony chiropractor.
  9. Only1Matrixxx

    Only1Matrixxx Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Get someone to use oil and massage the tight spot or hurt spot. It will be a tightness in the muscle as said before... Trace that muscle and massage it all along the length, with the aim to put pressure on the knot as well as where the muscle joins the bone.
    An anatomy book can help with locating the specific muscles.

    Also stretching the entire body, as the back pain may be linked to a tight chest, hip flexors, weak inner core (transverse abdominis) so stretch the hamstrings, hip flexors, quads, back, chest, neck...

    Also if you have a foam roller, rolling out does WONDERS if you know how to do it properly (slowly and relaxed)

    Although people suggest light exercise, stretching could come under that category as you are activating the muscles but not working them...

    I went to an osteo and he did acupuncture at the same time. It was the only thing to work with my back but that guy was really good!!!

    Good luck!!
  10. browndog

    browndog Active Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    I suffer with Back ache in my lower back when Ive had a long weekend or holiday from work, think its from restless nights not being working but nothing as serious as what I've read from you guys, but I find doing a few sit-ups sorts things out straight away, maybe it'll help?
    I'm not a fan of taking tablets, I'm a little paranoid about what's really in them & the fact that the pain is your body's way of telling you there's something wrong, but I did succumb to them once after suffering with the most agonising torture on this earth: tooth ache, I had offended the gods, & had to reap the whirlwind
  11. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Only thing sensual to my missus is the bank now lol
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  12. wedgiewolves#223

    wedgiewolves#223 God Like

    Apr 7, 2011
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    All the tips have really really worked feel a lot more mobile and if I get just half a track day at cadwell ill be happy because Thursday I was gonna sell the place that's how bad I felt cheers everyone
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