Anyone have MV Agusta F4 ownership experience?

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by MIKE, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. MIKE

    MIKE Active Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    As per the title peeps.


  2. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    No, but I wish I had!!
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  3. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    They have them at my local bike dealers Millenium and they look cool but never seen one on the road.
  4. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Sounds amazing dude. Look incredible and I'd LOVE one.... But kind of scared itd be like the old saying that you should never meet your hero's ;)

    And don't think it'd be any good for everyday riding, and certainly not jimbo proof.... Lol, I'd def break most things on it.

    But by Christ do they look good lol

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  5. layne

    layne Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Had mine for 7 years now. Yes it has its Italian quirks but its great to own, even when not riding it.

    Taken a little while to get it to fit me but it’s a joy to ride. Definitely not a town bike as it gets hot very quickly. Comes into its own over 90 when it is comfortable as the wind takes the weight off your arms and the suspension and handling come into play.

    MY10’s onwards are better developed. is the main web site. There is a small uk one and a Spanish one too.
    This is mine.


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  6. restone

    restone Active Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Ridden one around the Sierra Taramuntana mountains in Mallorca, although the handling was good the engine was hope less on steep twisty roads as its power was all focused at the top so you had to thrash it stupid in 1st and 2nd......which was quite fun.
    Reckon it would be great as a track bike though. Looks good too but the build quality seemed a bit slack.
  7. MIKE

    MIKE Active Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Cheers Layne / Redstone

    Owning an MV has always been an itch for me. Now, I know they ain't cheap, but new 2012 models from the dealers are going for money not to far off new Jap 1000 sports bikes, and with the advent of 20k ducati's seem almost reasonable (relatively).

    But I'm trying to find out mainly about reliability. Do they work? Owning a fireblade is peace of mind, that's why I bought one, and I love it dearly, everything you could want in a bike, almost.

    From what I can find on the MV forums they are not as comfortable as a Jap 1000, feel heavier, parts can be difficult to source, dealer network and decent device centres are few and far between...... but fuck they look good, go like stink and sound intoxicating, I would love to own one! (one day)

    I think the new F4 models have changed from the peak power pre 2010 models with the new Costacurta (short stroke engines) which give heaps of mid range, and they sound like they are well made and fairly solid.

    Any more info from people in the know would be much appreciated.

  8. restone

    restone Active Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    I have a good friend with an MV Brutale and she thrashes the arse of it, she nor her husband wil pick up a spanner, so use dealerships and so far they have had not to many problems.....but they are fairly affluent.
    I hope you can get your dream bike, perhaps trying to source a decent manual for said bike and many patient hours in the garage would make the 'exotica' mucho affordabile, and practical. The world is becoming ever smaller due to this tinter web malarky.....owt is possible.
    Good luck.
    Personally I'd much rather the MV 500/4 of Agostini fame now that thing sounds so sexy I'd almost consider selling my wife for it:eek:
  9. Jonnymac

    Jonnymac Active Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    I would say a few things.
    Firstly I must point out that I have not owned an MV, but have quite a few Italian bikes, and therefore can speak a little knowledgebly on the subject.

    If you are comparing like for like with a blade forget it. It will never be as reliable, servicing will cost a fortune and ownership can be a little frustrating at times.
    All (or most anyway) Italians look gorgeous, but as stated above, the build quality can sometimes be a bit iffy and some bits are just stuck on to get it through approval. Italians think a mirror is for doing your hair in.

    You have to look past the idiosyncracies. There are certain days of the year and certain roads where suddenly ownership makes perfect sense. It will make blade ownership sometimes seem bland and boring. But it's not an only bike (if you are the kind of guy that rides all year round).

    If you can only have one bike and it is you main form of transport, it isn't for you. If you keep the Blade as well, or you just ride in the country on sunny days, then buy one and I don't think you'll regret it.

    Just don't expect it to do everything like the blade without complaining lol
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  10. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I am looking at maybe a F3 800 next,
    a fella I know is the local service guy for them
    and said the real early ones had the odd electrical
    hitch but nothing to hard to sort out.he said the newer
    ones a far better and said they are as reliable as any
    other bike out there.
  11. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Like I said, haven't owned one but paid close attention to them.

    As said the 2010 onwards are better
    New one is meant to be the best, but the 800 is perfect in regards to fueling where as the f4 isn't
    Think they can remap / download the fueling on the f4 to the f3 800 setting though? But guessing next years f4 will adopt f3 800
    F4r is the model. That's best value for money IMO at 14.5k
    Go like stink, but not jap user friendly.
    Don't think the service costs are huge
    Every report I've read state the build quality is awesome?
    Parts are better than before but not that easy to get hold of compared to other bikes
    Don't think reliability is an issue these days
    Dealer network is crap
    Looks amazing
    Would love one
    Don't think it could be my everyday bike :(
  12. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    +1 what Jimbo said above.

    The MV F4 was my plan B if I didn’t buy the Panigale, but I did so that’s that for now.

    Maybe when I get fed up with the Ducati I will have another look, the problem is there is no local dealer to me which is a bit of a negative.
  13. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I have not owned an F4 but had a new Brutale 910 when they came out. Had no problems with it in 18 months of ownership and only got rid cos I was running two bikes and needed some cash.

    Forza Italia based at Silverstone are great to deal with, great customer care and aftersales. They are also very knowledgeable and experienced of the MV brand. Top guys.
  14. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Same here, but one opened in south London ;) so thought I'd book a test after chatting to the dude at the bike show. Rang him up and said can I book, yeah no prob he replied, you can have it for an hour...

    Dude wtf, your in south London, it'll take me an hour to get to some decent roads, then I want to RIDE the thing and then ill bring it back. Ill need it all morning pal... As I intend on using the thing.

    Sorry mate, it's an hour or £150 for the day...

    Tbh I was going to do it, but kind of out me off and never got round to it.

    Shame as I was very serious about buying. Maybe ill get a test in in the spring, who knows!?

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