Here is a description of the 600rr which i will be racing next season cbr600rr 2013 stock suspension ohlins internals cartridge on bpf harris ohlins ttx36gp awaiting from harris not here until january braking brembo master cylinder brembo m4 radial mono calipers standard honda discs hel brake lines gearbox Hm dash hm quickshifter afam 520 chain and sprocket hrc quick action throttle Hrc expansion tank wheels oz cattiva magnesiun race spec on pirelli di s/c exhaust full arrow system titanium K and n filter power commander v5 dyno at malton dyna bike yorkshire rearsets bonaminci crash protection gb racing covers r and g mushrooms rizoma brake guard harris q release fuel cap harris clipons gilles chain ajuster stomp grips fairing supplied by crc painted by r r racing pictures to follow at each stage of build up
That sounds like it is going to be a great bike Graeme. Those are really good spec.s. If you haven't already sorted the rearsets you might want to cast an eye over the Promach ones, I assume they make them for that bike. I know several people who swear by them especially for track use. I would love some but they do not make them for my bike anymore. Wish you all the best on your bike and your racing, Oh and on that other bike you are getting, what's it called now ? something SP haha.
Just a note, if your entering a formula 600 class with a UK club your bike won't pass tech scrut as it has to have standard wheels and calipers.... Otherwise looks good mate. What club you racing with?
Wow!! Great spec bike. But as Craig says, bit of a crossover in classes.... Quite a line up you'll have next year mate. Must ask though, why the 600? Think I'd have gone 675r with a similar budget tbh mate. Nice one though fella, sure it'll go well!!
was going to go with the triumph tt but is about 20k ye ok as you get to keep the bike tried to buy the one on ebay but he wanted at first 7995 i offer him7k but he would not budge he has dropped it since to 7495 .i looked at loads but when seeing them were not as good as expected and pics were ok but close up tatty ebay for ya but i purchased the 600 last week fron newcastle i got a good deal 8000 decided to go with that and to put my own stamp on it
Must admit the 675r would be my first choice followed by r6/cbr/kwak but they are all close tbh. And with that set up I'm sure you'll be flying - fair play mate. Hope it goes well for ya.
And with that spec you'd not get through tech inspection. Tightest regs in Uk. Can I ask why A66? Basically 6 cadwell rounds next year and that's it. Come join us in most fun paddock in the land... Hottrax... Is it your novice year? PS, as your ditching the wheels and calipers, spend the money on the engine, even though it's a great bike the engine is old and underpowered for F600...
Be fine in super sport though Craig would it not?? Poor fella ain't said what class he is running in yet
Stock motor 08 600rr 113 - 118 average, latest Kwak/triumphs pushing 130 in SSTK 600 trim! Just trying to help lol
well finally got a start on my 600rr as all bits finally arrived except rearsets dammded italians.i have took a week off work to get sorted.all plastics stripped off how many nuts and bolts like a mechano is looking a bit sick but 3 weeks will see a transformation.done today harris clipons,clocks removed,all switch gear on brembo m/cyl quick release tank,q/sifter on gb protection on, .tomorrow q/a trottle rear tyres and chain ajuster gilles in the end instead of lightech no diff realy both pretty good and 520 conversion/waiting for hel lines off harris they sent the wrong ones so when i get i will fit calipers.i will post more pics.
You finalised where your racing mate? Just thinking of F600 regs at 99% of clubs won't allow those calipers...
Didnt know you raced with hottrax craig..?? Me and wedge will be joining you this year! Im racing my 2co in the prenational 600s my first year!!! Nervous/excited
I would't bother with the HRC quick action throttle bit dissapointed with mine for my blade, better to go for an action one or similar
Work for me sen so no probs there,Andy it's looks worse than it is it's surprising wat a week make bud,will be complete in 4 weeks suspension and all.could have done with arthers help I think we,ll just plod on for now