Hi everyone , just saying hello currently my workshop only has a kr1 in it but im on the look out for a blade maybe a crash project or something fresh depends what i see when funds allow . would like an 06 onwards but open to advice , grown up a couple of miles from caddy so spent my time crashing rgv and gsxr srads their and a couple of zxrs so this will be my first honda .
Are now you see here lies another problem , i really like the repsol , but would never tire from punching pedrosa in the face . i love the idea of a john mc tt rep but the wife informes me that when i painted up one of my gsxrs in sheene paint and got leathers to match i looked like a giant power ranger. Ever since its been black everything . Im 6.2 so she did have a point i suppose . Oh no now i also fancy a rothmans rep .
Repsol with black leathers, you won't look like a power ranger but you bike will look like a blade was always designed to look.
Welcome to the forum our 2000th member !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And repsol all day long tis faster your know
Rothmans is that from back in the day when tobacco firms were allowed to spend there profits on advertising in motorsports? Welcome buddy, I'm sure you won't be disappointed in any blade from about 06 onwards!
I love Rothmans colours. I quite like the Castrol too. Of course If you are buying standard then HRC is far and away faster and more sexy
Thanks for the input guys , sounds like their is a strong repsol following . as soon as i get something i will post pics . then we can play with photoshop till i decide what she should look like , im thinking a suzuka 8 hour rep . Now this new kitchen you want wife dear shall have to wait i have plans !
Welcome to the forum, and to comfirm repsol is the way to go and being the fastest colour scheme out there you could ware pink leathers with purple spots as will just be a blur to anyone that sees you
Hi, and welcome to the forum. I have recently join the site, and it's major helpfull. I must confess, I never joined to get a crashed bike. Lol. I hope you don't think we are all crashes. It is alot of bike. Enjoy.