The tale of my stolen blade

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by GaryS, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. hump333

    hump333 Member

    Jan 12, 2013
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    These type of C ts need stoning to death Gary more security the better slow the cunts down.

    The police are a load of shit getting like usa fat lazy donuts eating MotherF$@kers .

    My bike never came back investment was Hunters Crossbow £350 =180 foot per second. My alarm system starts beeping my bow hanging out the Window.
    #21 hump333, Nov 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2014
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  2. Dec

    Dec Active Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    This was the main put off I found with buying a sportsbike. Every scum bag wants to nick it (cut their wanking hand off I say).
    Was the great thing about having a BMW sports tourer.... nobody wanted to nick it.

    Now I've gone and bought one, it scares the hell out of me that it will happen and I've had to invested heavily on security £££. Although nothing is unbreakable when a grinder comes into play.

    GaryS -> 'CPS decided there was insufficient to charge the guy whose container it was!' This is just unfucking believe. What a JOKE!

    GUY'S... COMPADRES. This problem will never be solved by the Police! It's not in there interests... IT'S OURS. Only we TOGETHER as bikers can solve the problem.

    I do believe this issue is one of the biggest nails in the motorcycles coffin, but we must fight back together with our colabrative intelligence and push to make a change TOGETHER. I am sick with the fact you can't pop into a shop for 5 minutes with the worry that someone's not dumped your pride and joy into the back of a van.

    Some of my idea's.

    1. Out of sight out of mind. Hide it!
    Although a sin to hide something so pretty.

    2. Ban shipping (exporting) of used motorcycles out of the country unless given written authorization by the DVLA or similar governing body.
    I hear a great number of stolen bikes go oversea's. If you cut off the supply, you deny the theif of there options.

    3. Sod getting an extra 10hp next year. Ensist that all motorcycle manufacturers engrave the same serial no. per bike or chassis number on all parts over a certain value (Forks, wheels, swingarm etc)
    A friend had this ipod nicked from his car. A few days later he got a call from cash converters who identified the ipod due to the serial no. on it and he got it back.
    We could also check if items we buy off ebay have been stolen.
    Sure, they could remove the serial numbers... but what a pain in the arse that would be :D And if it was removed, you'd know it was a dodgy item and at least have the option of wether or not you want to fund the scum bags soul destroying operation.

    Anyone else got a few ideas?
    #22 Dec, Dec 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
  3. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Dec you say that and it all sounds good but it will never happen.

    Bikes are in their minority n declining rapidly like some has been popstars career.

    Alot of the stolen parts end up on club racers bikes and the likes due to the high cost of buying new parts n materials.

    Plus stuff on ebay that sells daily, lets be honest here, are we all soo worried where the part comes from as long as its cheap n in fairly good nick and saves us a fortune buying from main dealer??

    There is alot of security features already out there, and agree out of sight out of mind is good, but then again the scum are also out of sight when knicking your bike, some security stuff works sum doesnt, tracker is prob the best out there as thry have a dedictated team out there who look for your bike shid the inevitable happen.

    Stuff like datatag are useless, id never have it ( came free this time ) y wud i want a part back off my bike when i aint got me bike anymore??!! :confused:

    Also the more security you have on your bike, the more of a pain in the arse it is to get all ur security off, get ur kit on and then ride off, which means next time you wont bother eith security n then ur bike ( sods law ) will get pinched!! :(

    surely we ride bikes for the freedom and ease of just jumping on n riding off ( if only that was soo true in the yr 2013 ) alas it will never ever be like that and the authorities arent bothered cus again we r a minority so dont have th voice to be heard bu the powers that be, they see alot of us as a menace, so why shud they help us, its our problem end of.

    1 of my bikes gotp inched back in 2007 n i was soo cheesed off i gave up riding for a yr, if my current bike goes ill never get another bike, period!!! rather spnd me hard earned cash on other stuff like holidays that low life scum cant ruin as they never leave the shitty council estates!!
  4. Dec

    Dec Active Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    RE -> 'Alot of the stolen parts end up on club racers bikes and the likes due to the high cost of buying new parts n materials.'

    Authorities have been hot on the case with this. A friend who does Thundersport racing had a lock in recently by authorities, where all bikes where checked. Only one was a stolen bike and I think the rider lost his licence, which I think points out that track bikes are not the major issue.
    If all the major parts had serial no.s, they could have checked these too.

    You make some really good points just_me _and _me _bike but I refuse to believe we just sit there and take a beating til we get knocked out.

    'y wud i want a part back off my bike when i aint got me bike anymore??!! ' It's not about getting you part back. It's about catching the thief IMO (deterrent), which I admit doesn't seem to amount to much in this day and age.
  5. SteveBuxx

    SteveBuxx Active Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    That's a good job you're getting it back! - at the same time taking thieves off the street :)
  6. Stumoores

    Stumoores New Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    Nicked to order is on the up. Thieves scan the forums, check for info on the uploaded Jpegs and get a location. It's like a tracker but for crims! Savvy posters are stripping the info off before uploading ? I'm trying my best with the security ( multiple measures in place including yappy little dog! Ha ha ) however when I'm out it's steering lock only. Apparently there is u lock stow nude my seat. Anyone any idea what fits in ok? Rr5
  7. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    There is an official Honda U-Lock. Could be worth having a dig around Google to see if you can get the dimensions. Personally I think most of them are cheese and the good ones like Kryptonite New Yorker would be too large. You may be able to fit a decent disk lock like a Zena under your seat.
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  8. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I have 4 of these under my rear seat
    Products - Shrouded Padlocks - 187XD - Master Lock®

    They are in keyed alike pairs so only two keys needed.
    The bar of the lock fits perfectly through the holes in the discs so are secure and cannot be prised off like standard disclocks...
    Only takes a minute to fit all 4 locks front and back..
  9. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    don't know much about computers so how too they get location from jpegs, i thought jpeg was just a picture size?
  10. Stumoores

    Stumoores New Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    Not really sure what or how, it may just be a paranoid thread I read somewhere.
  11. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Groups and is an method of file compression for images.
    When a photo is taken, depending on the device used, there is data encapsulated in the image called Metadata.
    This metadata is a record of time, date type of device used, what settings were used to take the image...shutter speed, aperture etc
    Also if the image was taken with a smart phone or other imaging device that has GPS capabilities, location information as latitude/longtitude.

    If the image is uploaded to a web site, like this one straight from the device, then that metadata can be accessed by the tech savvy.
    If, however, the image is first edited on a pc then the data on the "save image as" is then erased from the edited version, but you should always check by looking at the image properties first before uploading..
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  12. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    so as long as my digital camera is not gps enabled (i.e a few years old) loading images isn't a problem ?
    handy to know , thanks.
  13. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Basically it's smartphone pictures R1monkey.

    That said, I did find it quite handy when on a road I'd travelled and couldn't remember the route/area I just brought up the map, and where I'd taken the picture it gave me
    And then it could be taken to street view. If so wished.
  14. AOS

    AOS New Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    So Sorry for ya Gary especially when you get it done twice :mad: once is bad enough.
    Similar thing with me but with the car early morning going to work and popped into the newsagents for cigs left the car running :rolleyes: but in less then a minute car was gone and that was 05.30am needless to say i did get the car back but they had run it over a abit of an embankment and knacked the gearbox up.However i did enjoy covering pc plod in sh.... while trying to get the car off the embankment Lol.
    Hope you get some compo back from the courts fingers crossed ;)
    #34 AOS, Jan 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
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  15. frankie

    frankie New Member

    Jul 16, 2013
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    I'm speechless! That's been such a roller coaster ride of ups and downs of unbelievable stress :mad: - and that's just reading through it. Best of luck with the court case. Hope they throw the book at the m***********s!
  16. Mad Matt

    Mad Matt Absolutely Bonkers Mad...

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Do you mind if i ask what tracking device or company you used Gary, recently had my bike stolen and have decided that a tracker is a must for my next bike. However the tracking companies all seem the same and offer the same??
  17. Plake

    Plake Active Member

    Jul 2, 2012
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    Beyond angry for you, both for the theft and for the predictably lethargic police response on the CCTV. Hope it doesn't happen again.

    This sort of thing is the reason I stopped living in London.
  18. nurseit

    nurseit New Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I had a bike stolen with a tracker on and it didn't alarm as some thief's have devises to disarm it. I now have a new Blade with alarm, but some nice thugs in masks and on scooters knicked and damaged my Blade 7 months old. Was retrieved later by police and nice kind members of the public reported suspicious activity. Damage £4517 with a nice £1000 excess.
  19. colly

    colly Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    Gutted for you mate, I just had my Ducati 749 stolen, harbroken, but at least now I get to get a blade! :)
  20. nurseit

    nurseit New Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Yeah thanks m8 but it b like new when it's fixed I'm changing the colour of the frame from silver to black and have been offered to change Swingarm to black as well for free. Not sure if want Swingarm Bkack . You will love your blade but lock it up well


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