What did you do to your bike today???

Discussion in 'Mods, Upgrades, Accessories and Products' started by Benn The Pig, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. MrB

    MrB God Like

    Mar 17, 2012
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    Stripped the RVF to replace the L/H switch gear as the horn had stopped working, only way to access the connectors is to remove the tank and air box. Plugged in the new switch to find it faulty, front L/H winker stays on but at least the horn works. :rolleyes: Another switch on order.

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  2. Blackness

    Blackness Active Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Hello all.. This is my first thread as I'm a newbie here and a thread virgin :) !

    Well, after believing that a "Seal mate" gadget, that i saw on youtube, was the way to go for stopping my leaky fork, turned out to actually only result in oil everywhere and a worse leaking seal, i gave in yesterday and stripped the forks out of the bike and took to have seal done and oil change in both to my local honda dealer ! I would have done the job myself if it wasn't for the lack of cartridge tools so had to give it to them to do.
    Got forks back today and the lil grease monkey has scratched my gold caps and left a little dink in the hex head ! Stuff like that really pisses me off :/ ! Anyhow, got it all back together now and did a good deep clean while the wheel was off and covered everything in silicone and super resin polish and just come in for a cup of tea and a look on here to see about suspension settings ! Im about 97 kilos if anyone has any ideas ?? Gonna start with having a look at setting up the sag business first !
  3. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 24, 2013
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    What year is your bike mate? I have suspension settings for a 08-11 bike as I'm about your weight!

    Might be worth saying hello in the new members section too
  4. Blackness

    Blackness Active Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Hello mate, its an 06 !
  5. Jap_STi_3

    Jap_STi_3 Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    That look very nice. Love a clean bike with Titanium bits ;-)
  6. derchef

    derchef Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    fitted titax levers
  7. devster360

    devster360 New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    ..fitted r&g engine slider / bar end sliders & bobbins, and fitted mra double bubble screen..because frankly the stock one is useless!!!
  8. jimglasgow

    jimglasgow Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Fitted a set of ASV levers, halfway fitting tail tidy all stopped as I need to mod the indicator to fit my led indicators, anyone know of a good supplier of resistor kits
  9. ColinBR

    ColinBR God Like

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Personally I would just fit a LED relay and be done with it mate.
    I had resistors fitted before and they ended up failing.
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  10. derchef

    derchef Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    buyed a black swingarm out of a 2007
  11. Elric

    Elric New Member

    Oct 17, 2013
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    I made a fork compressing tool and a tool for holding the damper rod today then stripped and filled the forks with some fresh Motul factory 10w. 20140202_155030.jpg 20140202_141810.jpg 20140202_143159.jpg
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  12. abv

    abv Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Blew the spiders out the air box by blasting round my local twistys.

    Dry, salt free roads and sunshine. Not even that cold. It's lifted my mood no end :)

    You guys who put your bikes away don't know what your missing.
    • Like Like x 4
  13. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 24, 2013
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    I got out on mine 2 weeks ago and felt great although was a bit chilly
  14. Blackness

    Blackness Active Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Hello everyone.
    Today has been a fantastic day ! Its been pissing down for what seems like ages over here on the island, but today the sun shone all day ! It was like a fresh spring morning, and time to finally tackle the suspension on my rr6..
    Ive been watching vids and reading threads and all the usual research, and after 22 years of riding and never touching my suspension through fear of just not getting it, it was time to turn my blade into the super sharp weapon it was aways destined to be..

    Armed with Motorcycle Suspension Setup, i headed to the garage and started the measuring process, writing down measurements and all that on a lump of cardboard i ripped off a box as you do and it all started to make more sense and wasn't as scary as i first thought !
    I had my seals and oil done earlier in the week and had just set everything to how it stated in the owners manual so was fresh and primed for a tinker.

    First i did the rear and the suggestion was for Rider sag 30-40mm and static 5-10mm. I am about 16 stone by the way ! Without me touching anything it was giving me 53mm of rider sag and 7mm of static ! I had to wind the preload up to the max at 10 in the end and i finished up with 36mm rider 6mm static, which i thought was good and as suggested.

    The front i did as recommended on the page and that is to put cable ties around the bottom of your forks so they will be pushed down easily by the dust seals so you can measure travel. You want about 10mm between bottom of the fork and the dust seal when its at its maximum breaking/ potholing.

    This was fun because it suggests you go out and have some as you would and do some stoppies and emergency breaking etc.
    I haven't been out on the bike for a few weeks and what with what felt like spring in the air, off i went to have fun...
    The whole bike instantly felt better with just the rear done ! I took off in the direction of a good roundabout (not many here on the island) and attacked it. The bike whipped round lovely, pulled a rather large and unnerving power wheelie on exit, (which it doesn't often do and didn't get dealt with as well as i should have, but those are something else i want to work on),
    still giving it plenty i hit the brakes as hard as i dared a few times to get the dive reading and actually managed, what felt like, a half decent stoppie.. Would have looked a complete hooligan to onlookers and police officers but i did have fun ! Road back to my garage to get the measurement...
    With the preload set on 7 turns as factory i ended up with 20mm gap between the fork bottom and the seal the cable tie marker told me ! I backed them off to soften them to 3 turns and went out to do it all again... Got back, measured where the cable tie had moved to and it was at 15mm... Still 5mm to go :/ ! I then set it at 1 turn preload and did it all again (And achieved the best stoppie yet (Shit myself).. Remeasured it and got it down to 12mm and have left it at that !

    The recommendation said it should be somewhere between 35-48mm rider sag and 25-30mm static. I ended up with 48 rider and 29 static, which is at the top end of the scale.
    Conclusion is it does feel better to me. I haven't touched the compression and rebound yet, so thats next but it seemed much slicker, grippier and even my little winter chicken strips had gone ! Maybe a lil choppy on the front but got to get my head around the next bit and do more tinkering, plus these island roads are shite !

    Ive looked at what other people on here have used that are about the same weight and they are quite a bit different :/.. I need to go to a specialist really to have it set up i suppose but its been interesting. I don't like the fact I've had to go maximum on the rear preload and minimum on the front to get the sag right..

    Sounds wrong to me so if anyone has any suggestions or feedback id love to hear your opinions !!
  15. ColinBR

    ColinBR God Like

    Oct 8, 2011
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    I'm the same weight as you mate, and I'd say the rear is way too hard compression wise. I'm sure I ended up at only 1 notch up on the rear shock preload adjustment from standard, and 1 turn (tighter) in from standard at the front.

    I would definitely take your bike to the nearest suspension expert and get it dialled in.

    Have you had this bike from new?
    If not maybe the springs have been changed out to suit the previous riders weight.
  16. jimglasgow

    jimglasgow Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    I take it you can't by a separate relay for the rear indicators, as i have kept the factory ones within the mirror
  17. Blackness

    Blackness Active Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Hello Collin..
    Ive only had the bike about 4-5 months. The guy i got it from was the second owner and said he thought it was standard and hadn't touched it !
    I didn't think it sounded right but got the measurements :/ ! Im gonna try a company in the south called Steve Jordans.
    Has anyone used them ? £62 for a set up !
  18. Blackness

    Blackness Active Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Thanks for actually reading all that btw ;) lol
  19. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    Blackness... did you do this by yourself? If so I doubt you could've been in riding position whilst measuring sag and may have had your weight more rearwards than you would whilst riding.
    I only say that coz when my mate, who is ridiculously thorough, did mine we ended up 2 or 3 notches back from full preload on the rear. im about 100kgs by the way
  20. Blackness

    Blackness Active Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Gappy.. We are going back and forth here :) ! Im going with your suggestions and put it back to standard and start again mate ! I.ll try your setting and sit properly and have a measure ! Cheers

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