As mentioned I went to check my oil today and the dip stick is no longer must have fallen inside. How do I get it out and will I cause any damage if I ride my bike?
Defo don't ride it! See if you can get a small telescopic magnet to fish it out first, or a set of long thin tweezers.
Failing what Colin's said you may need to drain the oil n remove the side cover in order to get the dip stick end out! Silly Q. But are you defo sure it has fell inside and was not damaged when outside the bike miby lyin on floor during oil change n just screwed back in the hole?
Isn't the dip stick made of plastic - non magnetic? I'd try put a new dipstick in and if it gets stuck half way through then the old dip stick is defo stuck in there. I would drain the oil and try pulling it out somehow with a thin alu bar with a blob of second glue at the end perhaps? Or borrow an inspection camera like this one: Inspection Camera PCE-DE 25N | PCE Instruments
Is it the metal part that's come away leaving just the plastic bit behind or the is it the whole lot? if its just the metal part you could use a magnet, if its the complete stick then your best bet is remove the complete cover. Either way i wouldn't ride it or even start it up still its out of there. Its deffo the dipstick you've removed and not the filler cap (excuse the silly question ive made many mistakes like this)
I've made a silly mistake. I've been looking at the wrong plug.i got used to it being like my cb 1 where its stuck on the oil filter plug. Feel so dumb.
Do we even need to hold the 2014 numpty of the year competition now lol. everybody makes a stupid mistake now and then matey
PMSL, aww cheers mate, I needed a giggle! top man Rather feel a numpty than find that dipstick mate lol
nomination?? I reckon he's just won the award... hahahaha what a cracker, lovin it!!!! don't worry mate, there'll be a few more numpty nominations on here that you can have a laugh about. At least your game to admit it on here, don't think I would have
after reading all the helpful suggestions i went out to my bike with a bright torch trying to look for the dipstick in the engine when i finally noticed the smaller one lower down. Doh! i don't think there was any other way i could have styled it out, so the truth was revealed!
Fair play for being honest and owning up mate- Shit happens, all made some daft mistakes at some point.