I think all braided hoses are just about the same, so aslong as you go with a big brand name you cant go wrong. I think there is still a forum offer on hel braided lines available jonny annett or bikers discount store
Here at Tweeks we do a variety of ranges such as Goodridge, HEL, R&G, Buildaline etc... contact Andy for a competitive price and availability (PM him @ Demon Tweeks or mail andyo@demon-tweeks.co.uk or call 01978 667923 Shame you're not closer we could have fitted them for you too Fitting Centre (and yes I do know the blonde in the pic )
I agree the rear brake is useless, mine is so poor I thought it wasn't working. In contrast my speed triple which has brembo brakes you have to be careful you don't lock the back wheel.
Having said that the front brake is excellent! Has anyone managed to make the rear one work? ie. different disc/caliper/pads/etc?
Totally agree about the rear brake the one on my RR6 is useless too fitted goodrich lines not a lot of improvement then EBC ex lite wavys discs and its still not good yet my wife's 600rr rear brake will lock it up easily if your not careful as did my old 929 blade which run the same caliper as the 6 which is a lot larger than the ones on the newer blades maybe the cause ?
Speaking to our guys here, I thinks it’s the nature of the beast, however its always worth checking the pads are sitting free in the caliper and that there are no other issues etc. The braided line for the rear would certainly give the brake a better more responsive feel and improved braking Probably worth a try before investing in new discs etc… (and why not fit a speed bleeder nipple while you’re at it ) Hope this helps Cheers. Dee
Nice Shoes Dee! (Oh, and get that Bloody Toilet Tap fixed, it's been clogged up for over a year now!)
Nice shoes - now you've got me??? It wasn't you I gave a rollocking to for muddy shoes the other day was it (yes my Customer Service skills at their best!!) Toilet? I've had some shower issues.. Oh you mean the loo here? haha you had be going there for a mo - I was nearly speechless, but only for a mo
Yes the Tap in the Customer Toilets next to your fitting Center waiting room. The Taps been clogged up with scale for at least a year now and is next to useless! Times must be hard eh?
I know Andy and Vix quite well but not met U that I know of? I just assumed that was you on the Laptop in the picture U posted up of the waiting area next to the workshop? Soft Spot for Barney eh?
No its a shame as I don't think we have met... I'm based upstairs (desk waller material) but do swing by a couple of times a day so maybe our paths might have crossed? Ahh sorry to disappoint but the lady in the pic isnt me, it's one of our gorgeous colleagues (and yes the shoe comment all makes sense now! Doh! I'm not normally this dense Err who hasn't got a soft spot for Barney - although I saw him here on Saturday and was on the receiving end of lots of abuse for some reason... Next time you're here, make sure Andy lets me know and I'll pop and say hi