I am trying to remove the lower fairing/bellypan to remove my exhaust to get to the rear suspension for a spring change, and the foremost bolt is just spinning. I presume that the rubber nut has gone hard due to the heat from the exhaust and has no grip. I cannot get any grips near it due to the lack of access. Do I have no alternative but to drill it out? Any suggestions please?
I had the same problem last year, managed to gently prise the rubber nut through the holder its in then remove off fairing with grip. I think the small bracket can be removed for the engines sump and the whole lot dropped down, then removed with grips.
I used a pair of water pump Grips ie..CK T3659A 175 7" Waterpump Pliers - Hand Tools & Storage, Pliers, Water Pump I held the rubber and turned the bolt, until the rubber breaks up, revealing the brass ferrule that's encased. Then a bit of lube and holding the ferrule with the grips and someone else turning the bolt, it came off. I put the new bolt in with the magic formular ... copperslip! Good luck Mike.
Mine did exactly the same and due to lack of access in the end the bracket snapped that held the fairing!! BUT if this does happen to you don't stress, as you can order a replacement for a few quid (cheapest honda spare I've found!!) now every decking bolt i find gets coppaslip or ally grease!
I took my fairing away to get my 02 sensor off and the same thing happen to me, i just pulled on it and it pulled through, didn't break tho. once it was out i managed to get grips on it and replace the nut. I know some peeps moan about the fairings on this model, but i guess its a way of saving weight, using few bolts and mainly clips.
+1 snapped that bracket too!. Pull too hard and this will give. Glued it back on though. Got some new well nuts now all coated in copper slip, hopefully this will prevent it happening on my next oil change.
Mine spins as I found out when fitting my new Termi end can, however I found I didn't actually need it off after all so it was a let off. Bike was not even 12 months old with 3K on the clock. Tis due it's first proper service in March so I'll let the dealer struggle with it!
Going to order a new plastic bracket, tried to be nice with it but this little bugger has attitude!! Need to remove it to get access to the lower linkage bolts for servicing.