hahahaha so I'm not the only one selling everything to go racing or training well done Tyke, cracking pic, thought it was on the R6 from your profile pic. when you sell the blade, you can book a euro trip Jerez???
Did it on the net mate. I'm doing the test day too so I've requested I have the same one for that. Will ring up tomorrow and ask her
A racing weekend £500 A crate of beer for the night before £15 Burgers for the BBQ £5 A night with robinh73.. PRICELESS!!!
Oh that is the nicest thing anybody has said to me. Well since the last time anyway. I had no idea my ass was this highly thought of!
Right it's 3 weeks until Round 1 at Brands so thought I'd give an update on where we are.. ACU is all done as you know just waiting for the license to come through the post. Took a deposit on the blade this afternoon so that's getting picked up tomorrow at 3pm. Ordered some new tyre warmers (uber ones), was getting tired of the drawstring racetec's. Ordered a Warrior bike lift too as CBA with paddock stands, they piss me off. Must say andy at DEmon Tweeks is a top bloke. 109 delivered for warmers and same again for the lift. Paul the 6th is on with my race stickers which we are applying next weekend, then just to add a jubilee clip and safety tie to the oil filter. At cadwell on sunday going to get the suspension properly setup. Once the money goes in for the blade going to purchase: HM plus quickshifter and try and fit before brands Spare fairings Spare clipons Spare screen Stomp grips Gear indicator Already have spare levers and rearsets Fire extinguisher is on the way!! Leathers are away at my friends mums, (she's a top seamstress) picking them up friday night.. Nearly there!!! Can't wait!!!!
I don't mind the racetec Holroyd drawstring warmers! What you doing with them? Should have said about extinguisher, I've got a massive spare one and I've also got some Eazi Grip tank grips Too!
Have stomp grips on the blade but I'm really impresses with eazi grips really sticky can't wait too try them out
95£ i'd charge ya, only because your loaded now you've sold the blade looking forward to your first race??