Really Going For It

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by t0m541, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    The Numpty of course...

    Just did a seven day stretch at work...3 9hr days, then 2 12hr days followed by 2 12hr nights, with not much sleep in between.
    Went 31 hrs between getting up sat morning and going to bed Sunday then 3 hrs sleep Sunday so by the time I was leaving for work last night I was pretty shattered.

    Anyway..after driving to work for 5 days in the van and sunny weather forcast for the weekend, I thought it's time for the commute on the blade.
    So rode to work sat night, back home sun morning, as I pulled onto the drive hit the kill switch rather than the ignition to keep the noise down in a hurry.
    As the sun was forcast, I thought, rather than put the bike in the garage and all the security, just shove it in the house so if I feel up to a quick blast out I can do.

    Well that didn't happen, but I did plan to ride to work for my last night, so it wasn't an issue having the bike in the house.

    Last night, gets all my gear on giving myself 10 mins to leave, gets the ramp out as my house has a 4 inch door step, push the bike out, put the ramp away, shuffle the bike out the front gate onto the drive, puts my lid this time sweating profusely...

    Turn the alarm off, key in, switch on press start and turn it over expecting the usual exhaust burble to burst forth....but no...keeps the starter turning....nothing.
    Key off, arm-disarm the alarm, key start....turn, brrmmm...keep cranking for a few more seconds in hope....but not a pop..

    Of course by this time I should have been on my way...

    Ok....try all the above again, check side stand is up and not in gear....cranking it over...then the battery starts to die and the headlight pulses away as it struggles..nothing...

    Oh S*%T, I'm gonna be late as I'm going to have to put the bike back in the house then get the van out.
    I've never been late for work in 2 1/2 years, so I was proper pi**ed off, also being tired just made it worse.
    Shuffled the bike back through the gate, opened the front door to go fetch the ramp, took my lid off as I was emitting steam by now I was that hot.
    Started stomping through the kitchen to fetch the ramp and my daughter asked "what's up?"
    "F*&*king s*&t crappy stupid bloody bike won't bloody start" I replied, "It ran fine this morning, now it won't bleedin fire up and the stupid battery has gone nearly flat with trying to start it, I can't understand it !!"

    LOUD CLICK as the Light in the head suddenly pops on... !!!!

    " I really that f*&%ing stupid ?"

    Now, has anybody figured it out, what my complete numpty moment has been ???

    Yep.....the kill switch was still on.....!!

    Luckily the battery had recovered enough to try one last time and the bike fired up after a struggle over...

    Needless to say the ride to work wasn't leisurely at all...but I made it in time....just...
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  2. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    we've all been there.

    becomes habit checking it when your pals think it's funny to quietly flick the switch every time you stop for a cuppa, fuel or even whilst riding! lol
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  3. derick

    derick Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Yep been there worn the t-shirt. The only good thing about it is the relief that its not something serious and you are just being a numpty.
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  4. gray

    gray Active Member

    Aug 7, 2011
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    Did it just after pass my test, trying to ride off first time solo and the examiner had to come over to me and flick the switch back, felt a total knob
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  5. scooby

    scooby Elite Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    reminds me of a time i had a flat battery on a trackday,so got a couple of mates to push me up and down the carpark to bump it,10 mins later,and a couple of very sweaty mates i realised i had the kill switch on.....oh how we laughed,well after a about a yr :)
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  6. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Lol scooby. I was once giving my r6 a proper caning.... Until I lost all power and rolled to a stop. Was pissing myself as I thought I'd finally blown the poor fecker up!!

    Yup - somehow I'd flicked the switch.

    She got let off a little on way home after that. :)
  7. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Bad design that by Honda!

    My ZX10 won't even turn over on the starter if the Kill switch is on, at least U don't drain ya battery whilst U work out why it won't spin up! :cool:
  8. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    At least it did not start and decide to idle at nearly 5,000 rpm with no way of stopping from doing so!

    You not the first or last to do that - but numpty nomination secured I think...
  9. ScottieDog

    ScottieDog Active Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Nothing to be ashamed of! Did the same myself but in a slightly different scenario. Riding up to London on the bike, baffle out of the Yoshi R77, race tinted visor on, small numberplate in place and "making good progress" in a 30mph zone! The upshot is I gets pulled over by the Police and get nothing more than a ticking off for being a naughty boy and a roadside lesson on road craft - my lucky day! Now if you're still with me, this is the bit that involves the kill switch. After my lecture I jump on my bike like I'm on the start line at Le Man's, relieved he didn't notice any of the aftermarket purchases and in the panic to get away I forgot I had hit the kill switch! The bike would not start! Maybe it was nerves but I had the barefaced cheek to ask the kind officer to give me a push, totally oblivious that in doing so I'm putting said Officer in a perfect place to notice the illegal growl from the Yoshi right in his face! It nearly killed him pushing me with that switch still off. I then noticed my schoolboy error and flicked the switch over and it roars into life! In my mirror I see a very red faced policeman laying on the floor kicking himself for missing a perfect opportunity to throw he book at me! Happy days!
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