Hi everyone don't really use my back brake much but was wondering how much travel there should be mine seems to go right down before i feel contact on a 09 blade. Boo
The rear brake travel on mine isnt much, although the rear brake is pretty poor. maybe you have some air in the system? do you have the abs version?
Hi for the time it takes worth bleeding it just in case as it shouldn't have as much travel as you say might sound obvious but have you checked the fluid level and when was it last changed and after all that and the rear brake still willl be useless lol
Hi all, The rear break is for lasck of a better word crap... but is there any thing that can be dont to make it better ie swap it for one from a different year or even a different bike make ???
Thanks Skippy, was going to start using my foot like I did on the BMX when I was younger , just jam it on the tyre in front of the frame and heypresto.
Mine must be fooked then, it works! Always bringing the bike down from 30/40 when slowing for lights etc, its ideal on the commuting run into London, where you get 1 set of lights after each other synchronised to go red just as you approach each set, or giving balance when you are filtering through heavy traffic and application of the front unsettles the bike, that's why you hardly ever have to dab feet down in heavy traffic. Push it harder and it brings the front in nicely (ABS), the main advantage on an ABS bike is that its a good work around for the design fault of where the front lever just collapses to the bar with the so called 'feathering issue'
Fit a Galfer wavy disc and decent pads,bleed it and possibly fit a braided hose if original is worn,works a treat.