How boring is this what is iwan Thomas wearing looks like someone from high school musical Thoughts all.
Just flicked on as half time in footsie and there doing a bloody film review!! What's this got to do with moto gp!!! Not the best!!
BT Sport version of Top Gear. I fully support them in their endeavour. But, lets hope it gets better. First shows are nearly always rubbish. PS not watched it all yet.
had to laugh at film review as the guy being interviewed about his Harley didn't like bikes lol I recorded it and fast forwarded quite a lot of it, not the best, but again, can only get better
I watched about 5 mins and had to turn it off. Some of the people in the audience were worse than those tossers you see in the back ground on BSB coverage, looking like grinning idiots trying to get on the telly! Don't they realise how bloody stupid they look??!!