1jac V Constands review

Discussion in 'Mods, Upgrades, Accessories and Products' started by martinowen, May 28, 2014.

  1. PeterT

    PeterT Active Member

    May 17, 2011
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    No I machined up my own bobbins which give additional clearance to not hit the gearshift rod, this I needed to do as I run with Gilles rearsets.
  2. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Do you mean the holes to attach the main plate too? We prob haven't due to different models of blade but I will try get another pic later
  3. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Kev if it is that plate part if you look in the first pic on the post it's in the top of the 4 side ones
  4. Kevin1

    Kevin1 Elite Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Ah yes I see it now. Thanks
  5. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Was it the same?
  6. Kevin1

    Kevin1 Elite Member

    May 30, 2012
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    No, I've used the one furthest to the left.
  7. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Ok that's too low for my model

    POSTIE New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    how fair is this review

    Not sure this review is fair. Would liked to have seen bike on both lifters. Would like to know what improvements martin would make not being an engineer that would make the 1jac worth its money. Would be better if we could see the constands with a17stone bloke stood on other foot peg like this. I think there is a bit more than meets the eye here. Think we need a better review because I seen em both and the build quality of the 1jack looks miles superior to the constands. Anyone could see that without being some engineer.
    I love British so let's get a proper review ey.
    Have you got a picture of both with bike on. I thought that would be on here. And can you show us that the constands goes higher as you say please.
  9. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    OMG do any more 1jac staff want to join up lol

    If you read the whole thread you will see 2 things

    1- there is a pic with bike on both lifts, you will also see I have written that even though the 1jac lifts slightly lower I could still do all jobs I could think of without an issue!

    2- I have also mentioned that the 1jac is more expensive (sorry but that's fact) however I have said its a prettier stand and if you have the extra cash then buy this one. I did say that if your not rich or worried about how it looks then the constands does the same job for less money.

    So can someone tell me where the issue is in any of that???
    • Like Like x 3
  10. Nigel

    Nigel New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    Just received this from Martin.
    Can we now please have a decent and honest debate among forum members interested in a genuine review.

    Martin said''''
    To be honest Nigel I thought I was very fair in my review considering I'm out of pocket nearly £400! I was ripped off by your last company and have not mentioned this anywhere within the review. I promised you an honest review and that is what I gave.
    Some of the points you have raised that I did not mention are things I do not understand I do not know what metal it's what and what is stronger than what as I have never worked in this industry.
  11. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    That's rather desperate Nigel and I think you are making that seem like its something its not.

    I have given you an honest review, I am an honest person and the members here know that. Anyone is welcome to come and view both stands side by side and see where I am coming from.

    1 thing I don't understand is what you are doing now? as I have not told people not to buy your product I have recomended it if they have the extra cash! I have also offered to give some advise on how to improve your lift to make it even better despite the fact you owe me alot of money (as you brought it up)

    Also maybe you want to explain to the members why you have only
    Posted half my PM???

    and why you have not mentioned it was a reply a PM I recieved from yourself???

    For people interested the part about the not know what metal was what was because he mentioned I had not bothered to mention how his was better made as made of "this" metal and that the constands was not. Now I can't tell you weather the constands is sprung steel, aluminium etc or infact which is better for this kind of lift and this is exactly why I did not put this in the review, I'm sure 80% of the people buying this lift would also be in the same boat.
    Nigel also has mentioned he has not seen/used a constands lift so I can NOT put in my review that its not made of this material just because he tells me that it would not be!
    #31 martinowen, May 29, 2014
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  12. stevebetts

    stevebetts Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    The bike lift debate rages on still!
    I am very happy with my Constands lift after a few mods.
    It has been well documented in an old thread of mine. I even posted engineering drawings of the moded adapter plate and correct pin sizes.
    I am not sure where this 1jac lift has come from Martin? Is this a spin off of the Envy company?
  13. Toth

    Toth New Member

    May 28, 2014
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    Phoenix from the ashes without the debts
  14. POSTIE

    POSTIE New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    I do not work for 1 jac.

    Hi Martin. Sorry I do not work for 1jac I am a postie and have been for 17 years hence my user name.
  15. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    Can you tell me you are not tied to them in any way? Friend?
  16. Nigel

    Nigel New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    To be honest Nigel I thought I was very fair in my review considering I'm out of pocket nearly £400! I was ripped off by your last company and have not mentioned this anywhere within the review. I promised you an honest review and that is what I gave.
    Some of the points you have raised that I did not mention are things I do not understand I do not know what metal it's what and what is stronger than what as I have never worked in this industry.

    What I actually said was If you have the extra money it is a nicer looking lift but if you are on a tight budget the constands is cheaper and does the same job.

    I have not mentioned any cons of the constands as I have not experienced any.

    Martin, I think we should leave it at that. Im sure most people will gain from your review what they wish. I have sent you a free lift. The Envy lift never cost more than 295 so Im at a loss to the nearly 400, but as I have said previously I have done my best to take care of every single person, even though I was never obliged to do so.
    Today at the York County court I also won and was relieved of any debt or involvement by a Judge. Irony at its finest.
    I am sure there are many forum members who would agree that your review is somewhat biased by your bitter experience and who can blame you. I dont. Im diss-apointed that you couldnt notice any remarkable difference between the original and a cheap chinese copy, however as you say your review is very honest and notes that our lift has a smaller less useful knob that the constand.
    Thank you very much for your review. Maybe when we have a few more reviews we can look back at this one and review your review!
    If you feel you are still out of pocket from Envy then I restate what I have said to anyone who purchased from them. I am the Engineer and will correct or make good every single purchase, regardless of cost to me. There are now only 4 outstanding orders and anyone with an envylift in need of attention can contact me and I will sort the issue.
    Enough said I think.
  17. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Sent me a free lift are you taking the fucking piss!!!! You took more than what you charge for the 1jac from me then claim you sent me a free lift!
    I never slagged off your lift I just said I'd did the same job as a competitor and your a bit sore because I didn't say it was 100 times better, show me the bad review
  18. POSTIE

    POSTIE New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    Yes Martin I have no connection with 1jac. I saw the 1jac at the nec show last year and brought it as it looked safer and stronger than the constands.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. PeterT

    PeterT Active Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Bored now of this..............................
    Can we move on.
    I also had a gripe with ENVY but life is short and people do dragged into problems with partners and business, but give the guy a break as he is trying to get a new business up and running in the UK, does that not count for something?
    • Like Like x 3
  20. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    The Envy lift never cost more than 295 [/QUOTE]

    More lies Nigel more lies tut tut


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