One of Those Days...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nick_BladeRR, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Not too sure how much longer I can take my working environment. My boss is the biggest d'head known to mankind well out of his depth and an awful manager all he ever talks about besides total bollocks is football (which if you know me you don't mention that sport in front of me.) For 8 hours a day me and the rest of the team sit pretty much in silence slaving away fixing all of the many technical issues that plague this company that his incompetence has caused. There are wheels in motion to deal with him but I don't know how much longer I can restrain from ramming his face into his desk repeatedly.

    Beginning to way up other career options but at 31 I'm wondering if it's too late to start again....
  2. lillywhites

    lillywhites Active Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Know how you feel Nick.....I have a female MD who patently wants a gender change but cannot wait for the chance to slag off the male species.....unfortunately at my time of life a change ain't on the cards....such a shame really cos my old boss was the best person I have ever worked for in 40 years but sadly retired and has now developed a form of dementia and hardly recognises his old staff anymore.

    Still a job is job at the end of the day and it keep a roof over my head and 2 and 4 wheels on the road:D
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  3. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    That is exactly the reason that is keeping me here dude I've got financial responsibilities and a wedding to pay for and my wife to be was let down badly by her 1st husband and I'll be damned if I'm going to do the same thing. Plus we want to start a family soon so can't be giving up something that pays me well because of one remedial bellend. Hopefully the time for change here will be soon and the situation will improve and like you say I have my bike and air in my lungs so I have a lot to be thankful for I was just sounding off because I can't stand this sitting in silence malarky it's like being back in school all over again.

    But if anybody knows of any 3rd Line IT vacancies going elsewhere let me know lol.
  4. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I contract so sh1t bosses don't affect me for too long, but I have had a few recently. 31 isn't too old for a career change, but starting from scratch again in a totally new field will hurt the finances for a few years.
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  5. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Yeah I used to contract dude this is my first perm job in 2 years but the contract market for me wasn't what it used to be back in the good days in 2004/5 when you could go from contract to contract now it's all 6 months here and 1 month there and I ended up being out of work for too long so agreed with the mrs to go back to a perm job. Plus I got my pants pulled down in tax bills I wasn't aware that there is a tax for almost everything these days lol. Although there is always somebody out there who has it a lot worse than what I do so for that I am grateful for what I do have even if I do think it sucks.

    One of the guys on my team was being bullied by the manager here but fortunately they powers that be stepped in and sorted that one out although the manager tried to pass it off as just banter until I pointed out that it was bordering on a full blown law suit and no not quite banter indeed. I just hope they get shot of him before long I struggle to understand how he's held this job for 10+ years and nobody had noticed that in reality he has no clue what he's doing....
  6. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Your boss is the biggest dickhead known to mankind....

    Funny, I've never bumped into you at the water cooler...

    How long have you worked here?
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  7. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    pmsl! :D Mate if only!
  8. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    What geographic area? I seem to continually get London roles sent to me. Feel free to PM skillset etc and I will keep an eye open for you.
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  9. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Thanks dude will pop you a PM.
  10. lambchops

    lambchops Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Very shite indeed, Im in the IT world and we have 100 redundancy on the cards at my place. Waiting to see if im affected.. Think im safe but who knows.. Seems everything IT is being offshored at the moment!! So that's engineering / fabrication and now the services jobs are disapearing.. Will be nothing left here soon appart from Tesco's!!

    But only a matter of time until the UK becomes the cheap labor regions as India / Cairo demand more and more money.. All comes around in circles but not sure I have 10 - 20 years to wait haha
  11. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Know the feeling mate I am amazed to see how much the 3rd line engineer wages have dropped in the last 10 years used to be 70k + now it's lucky if it's north of 40K in London in any case. That's it I'm getting out of here I've just heard another one of his "troubleshooting" speeches whereby words fall from his mouth like shit from arse, I seriously can't put up with his bollocks any longer I'm stuck on a 3 month notice period which, means the job hunt will be slow...
  12. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    It'll change again. Lots of people have stayed put during recent years and lots of companies have become complacent, but now people are starting to get itchy feet again. Contracts have gone back to the good old days of only needing a single or phone interview with an immediate start.

    All aboard the merry-go-round :)
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  13. 1000rr73

    1000rr73 Active Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    They say people don't leave jobs they leave bosses. Not sure it's always right but I reckon it could be in a majority of cases. I've had both good and bad and feel for you with the bad.

    I also am surrounded by football chat and i couldn't give a crap either. I just try and make their shit stories from the north stand about a game of two halves seem very dull compared to my weekends on the blade.
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  14. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    Seems an appropriate time to post this then!
    Screen Shot 2014-06-06 at 13.28.25.png
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  15. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    F'IN LOL! That pic is epic! That's going on FB right now pmsl:D
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