After owning an abba stand and putting it politely found the thing very poor . I've been mulling over what to buy. Was going to buy a warrior stand from demon tweeks but got told there were issues with the wheels and may have to wait several months. Others were German stands bursig and bike tower. Not knowing much about them . I've bought British and it is very usefull . Got sick of wheeling the bike back and forth to clean a few inches of each wheel at a time, also same for greasing the chain. Now it's a doddle Being unsure as to if these were British or simply badged up, got invited to check out where they are made. Chose my colour of stand and had one of the 1jac guys set the adaptor plate up for me. And that's it job done.
It does look nice, but why did you think the Abba stand was poor ? For the price i find it excellent, granted it can not get both wheels off the floor but for lubing the chain or general cleaning its fine.
Abba stand is excellent and used in hundreds of workshops including my own, I'd never buy one of those for a number of reasons, I.e can not be used on an uneven or soft surface unlike the Abba, a pain in the ass to setup and move to other bikes, over priced and more I won't bother to post.. Bike looks great though, just not a fan of the stand.
I owned one when I had my r6 Hudson as you say only the back wheel was off the floor which was great for doing the chain and back wheel, but still couldn't clean the front wheel very easy. They then sold me a lift to put under the front of exhaust and jack the front up. However it didn't fit under the bike even on its lowest setting. Got me £35 refunded. I think there is now some sort of contraption with a massive rubber band which attaches to swing arm and lifts the front off the floor. Thought it was a bit much messing about. Flogged the stand ont ebay for £55 think was £125 new. Also if you notice when your turning that big screw it actually prises the stand apart instead of clamping it all together Steve
As you can see I've had both so I can say which I deffo prefer, don't wanna open a can of worms on the debate surrounding various stands. Or get into arguments. Just my opinion at the end of the day Steve
Another nice bike Steve, sure your happy with the new stand, I'd encourage my customers to stump up a little more and buy the Abba sky lift, then you can clean your wheel without bending down
How much is the sky lift Arth ? Does that abba stand fit into another stand like the 1jac. I can see the benefits for you in a workshop environment .
Much the same but hydraulic and fits many bikes so big plus for those with more than one bike and workshops etc It's 400.00. I know your points re the Abba stand but tbh mate your the first person who in 8-10 years has ever said the Abba is poor. Agree with what you say about it but the Abba is a cheap, simple and very safe lift for bikes with no centre stand.
That looks quite good, didn't wanna pay £400 after how much I've chucked into the fireblade bottomless pit so far lol Abba stand did me for 2yrs and yeah it was vfm . Shoulda had a big locking ring with a handle on that screw. You can actually see the stand being prised apart on that vid makes what I said easier to understand. Being an engineer I'm probably being a tad critical . Never had any problems with the saftey of it tho.
Yeah I fully understand what you say, tbh as you'd expect I use them daily (the Abba) even copied it and made my own.. tbh I only nip up the bolt in question as the box section once a skew locks the end rail in place I also agree the rear wheel tie strap to lift the front is a little poor but again simple and does work, it's the same problem for some where the stand needs to be on a flat, firm and level surface to be used and I know this is a BIG limitation for many who consider this kind of stand, I know many who own the half priced d tweaks ver and are very happy.
I have used the same ABBA stand for years, on countless bikes, and if I want the bike off the ground and level, I use a Harris under fork front paddock stand, works perfectly with the ABBA, problem solved. Anything more complex, I have an Easy Rizer bike lift, so simple to lift bike and then can remove wheels, forks, etc etc
Must agree to what you say about that Abba front lift bit of rubbish, going from the abba stand to that is just silly, i don't understand how the designers could of got it so wrong, mine is in the loft gathering dust. I may look at the sky lift in future, or i may look at having an alteration to my honda cb1000r's abs pipes done, the abs version of my bike can not take a front headstock stand because the bloody abs pipes gubbins gets in the way...... the non abs is fine, i do like the idea of a front headstock stand with the abba stand, you get both wheels off the floor and all the suspension uncompressed for a fraction of the cost, but honda in their wisdom did not think of this on the abs model, a tad of '' after engineering '' may be needed.
Got mine by accident really, went to bike tyres Leeds for a new back tyre the other day and the guy who owns the place had one for his hyabusa said it was very good. And they had leaflets with an offer code for £295. Went to see for myself and the rest is history