Traveller infestation

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GappySmeg, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    Now I'm as liberal as it comes... all cultures accepted and accomodated as much as can be expected.

    But my lovely little town has once again been visited by a travelling community. They arrived and parked up in the middle of a kiddies football pitch... thankfully this is privately owned so the council was able to move them on after a few days but not before they'd dug a pit for a latrine... right by the penalty spot.

    They've moved a whole mile and camped up in the middle of the only decent community-owned playing space left in town... in fact right behind the posts of the main rugby pitch... next to the football club, and beside the scout hut... our few civic amenities for the kiddies.

    I turned up at the football club for some beer and skittles (its the west Country) to see an elderly traveller taking an early evening open-air dump against the scout's fence... wipe his arse ( poorly, I might add) and trot back to his van leaving his detritus for anyone to stumble upon.

    I'm told that due to the fine laws in this country it will take several weeks to get them moved, coz the fields are council-owned... meanwhile they're free to shit all over the only decent sport space we have.

    I've no idea where I'm going with this (too much beer... but we won 8-2) but I struggle to believe as a community we have no choice but to bend over and take this while some procedure or other winds it's merry course... it's all bollocks!

    Rant over
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  2. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Wait until they are asleep and tow them to the next town
  3. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    local farmers to spread pig poo.......yes it stinks but a few days of doing it in adjacent fields will move them on...... ;)
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  4. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I have no issues with anyone of any colour or creed etc....

    But when I hear about a local traveling community close to Bath I pass often who made there way onto a large open area bypassing a gate [​IMG] and not moving . this started about 2 years ago.

    then to hear the local council are looking at spending upwards of 2 million to invest into making this area an official travelers site [​IMG]

    I know little of travelers other than asking if you have any scrap metal but do these people just think. Sod it i'm going to sell my house get a caravan and live for free on the land or something else
    just thought I would ask if others knew more about this section of the community
  5. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    They are born in caravans mate and spend whole life in them, many have not lived in a house for generations, its actually frowned upon if a traveler was to settle in a house or marry a non traveller etc
  6. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    I always assumed it was Irish thing? or am I wrong.

    Just seems to hear more about it nowadays or that may just be the media doing there normal

    for the edit reading Wikipedia about travelers and the difference between them and Romani people
    #6 Remal, Jun 27, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  7. navvy10

    navvy10 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Travellers and gypsies are similar but different. The irish travellers/gypsies are over here because they are not tolerated nearly as much over there with their antics.

    Most of them are scum with a few decent ones left. Came to my town and stole my prize bmx as an 8yr old so to this day I have no sympathy for them.

    Gypsies originate from India many years ago I believe and have spread across Europe over the ages.
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  8. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Good mates with the guy that runs the security project for HS1, that means the whole route from London to the Channel Tunnel.

    Any traveller stupid enough to gate crash their land is removed within 24 hours...end questions asked, no complaints made, no court judgements etc etc....just need to make sure your army is bigger than theirs, better armed and more motivated...simple battlefield tactics.
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  9. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    My idea was always to let them camp on motorway roundabouts. That way there's plenty of spots for them so bleeding heart 'alternative lifestyle' advocates can't cite some European human right to roam bollocks and if every any of their snotty kids or scabby dogs try to leave the camp to go on the rob we'll see loads of Darwinism evidence to piss of the creationists.

    Win, win.
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  10. maxxuk

    maxxuk New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    It is a difficult one, but I always think- the council, they represent the people living in their community, correct? They also get paid to serve that community. Serving the community only works well if they are aware of and honour the views of the good people living in the community they serve. I don't know how this works, but I know for sure that if I was to ignore what the people who pay me (i.e. the company I work for) are asking me to do, I will get kicked out of my job. Which is fair enough in my books! Presumably, in your case, the intention of your local council spending a considerable amount of money on a group of individuals who frankly do not give a sh*t (or, do they :)) about your community and its values and customs, would be not be favoured by the people who pay this council- tell them to re-consider (and grow some common sense!) their intentions, or they are likely to be voted out in the next elections. And, make sure their actions are known within the community. I know, easier said than done. I am finding it really weird how people work hard and spend their money on making a good home for their kids, teach them good values (hopefully!) and then just look on as some outsiders come in and cause damage or at least a lot of nuisance. I guess if you have something worth standing up for, you should.

    I guess 2 million would go a long way towards improving community services (children's play groups, schools, sports facilities, road repairs, parking facilities, parks and play areas, housing etc. this list could go on...) - unless all of that is already top notch in your community, in which case, I want to move there!
  11. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    It's not my council but I live withing 2 miles or Bristol, Banes and South glos areas. I'm in Bristol worst luck. I'm hoping the people of Bath disagree with the 2 mill they want to spent.

    On a slightly different note re working hard to get a nice home and look after the kids etc.. what gets me in my working environment is that we come across often 2 different types of people. the one's that work, pay their bills, and save. When it comes to going into care they have to sell their house and spend their own money that they worked hard for to pay for their care. But others who don't work or spend all their money on drink, cigarettes, and gambling for example and never save for a rainy day get their care paid for. Just makes you think if you need care of any kind to make sure you give it away to the family or spend it on yourself

    Sorry just my little rant
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  12. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I watched a programme about them before and they were all saying that the attitudes against them were down to an unfair stigma and that they were, in fact, proud and honourable people.

    That having been said every time they show up around here they're always trying to take the scrap metal out of our scrap skip. A lorry driver that was picking up from our works made the mistake of parking near their encampment the other night only to wake up in the morning and find that his tanks had been drained.

    Oh and a few months ago they cut off a bloke's cock in Middlesbrough and chucked him out of the car.

    But yeah........proud and honourable people.
  13. maxxuk

    maxxuk New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    ...proud- sure;...honourable...a matter of definition then I guess (honourable, my ar*e! :mad:)

    Tell them to move into the back yards of all those good-doers so they can 'enjoy the experience'!
  14. Mr C

    Mr C New Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    We have a small illegal site about a mile or so away from where I live, its being a legal battle for the last few years, I do pass said site from time to time and can honestly say its very well kept and I have never read a report or heard anyone have a problem with the dwellers.
    They do actually own the land but it does not have permission to be a a site hence the legal shit going on.

    On the other side of the coin I have seen the mess some groups leave when they set up on industrial estate and playing fields. Some are proper dirty bastards
  15. maxxuk

    maxxuk New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    ...proud- sure;...honourable...a matter of definition then I guess (honourable, my ar*e! :mad:)

    Tell them to move into the back yards of all those good-doers so they can 'enjoy the experience'!
  16. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Travellers, Gypsies and Pikeys aren't the same thing. Pikeys call themselves travellers but are in reality low life scum sucking benefit scrounging pond life who will steal anything that isn't bolted down, and if it is bolted down they'll come back with the right size spanner. They need some domestos thrown into their fake tan/tits/bling gene pool.
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    As kids we used to hear our parents moaning that they have to lock the doors and windows etc when they turned up.So we set about getting rid of them ourselves as 11 year olds.
    We used to fish out the frogs from our nearby stream.Get up at the crack of dawn and throw them in thru a window or the half door.We used to piss ourselves laughing at the women screaming cos one is on her bed.Absolutely Priceless to watch:)
    If they make a mess pick their shit up and extra dog poo too and spread it over their caravan.The vents under the toilet was our favourite place.The female of the caravan will clean it up in no time.Trust me they are cleaners when it comes to their vans.
  18. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    And be extra security conscious with the Blade dude.......thieving bastards!
  19. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    Spoke to the landlord of the footy club yesterday... the travellers have continued to dump in public, and the fat younger one has developed a habit of roaming outside the footy & rugby clubs at kicking-out time, trying to start fights for the fun of it!
    They've also been caught shoplifting from 2 of the local supermarkets.

    But despite all this, they all still have their freedom, and are still camped on the playing field.

    So, as adopting this lifestyle seems to elevate you above the law, I'm going to sell the house, buy a caravan, and spend my days hooning around the country at highly illegal speeds on my 'blade, safe in the understanding that the police can't be arsed to prosecute me...... so long chumps!
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  20. Marion

    Marion Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Repsol Rob was quite close to the mark. A few years ago a herd of our travelling friends smashed down a fence and set up camp on a lovely grass field. Local people are really p!ssed off with our visitors so local farmers got together and descended upon the field they were camped in and muck spread the field with cow sh!t. They actually smashed a second hole in the fence trying to get out. The Police soon moved in and stopped the muck spreading but it was too late cos the field and caravans were all cover with slurry . Haha was quite entertaining

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