Speedo Under-Reading (and Power Commander Q) - Anyone got any Ideas?

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Wegby, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Wegby

    Wegby New Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    Hello all

    Apologies for what's a bit of a repetition of an earlier post, however, I posted these questions on my Newbie post, which on reflection might not hit the desired audience.

    So Audience, now that I have your attention - hopefully, I'd be really grateful is anyone has any ideas / helpful suggestions on the following issue(s) with a 2005 Blade I've recently bought:

    1. The Speedo has started under-reading by about 25%-27% (although the odometer is fine). At 6k in top gear, the speedo was reading around 100mph, however, it has started reading about 73mph at these revs. A mechanic friend thinks it will be the sensor at fault, but I recently searched online and found a number of posts (from North America), mentioning this problem and that Honda performed a recall in 2004 / 2005. I’ve also run a search on this forum and only found reference to something called a Speedo Healer, which I don’t think is relevant. I’ve tried switching to KMH, then back to MPH, and then disconnecting the battery; neither of these has made any difference.

    Has anyone got any ideas please? Although perhaps a plausible excuse, I’d rather not have to start several conversations along the lines of ‘Officer, honestly – my speedo was only reading 72mph…’

    2. A previous owner has thoughtfully fitted a Power Commander, however, due to the choking effect the bike has on riders who are following me, and the sooty deposits around the end of the exhaust can, I suspect it is running a bit rich and needs re-mapping, etc. JS Gedge suggested I try PDM Racing in Bexhill, however, their phone numbers I picked up from the internet are all out of service – does anyone know if they’re still going, or can anyone offer a recommendation on someone (preferably not too far from the Hastings area) who can look at the fueling of a Blade with a Power Commander fitted?

    Many thanks to all who spend the time to read this (and special thanks to anyone who helps point me in the direction of a resolution).

    Cheers - Guy
  2. lambchops

    lambchops Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Hello guy, have you changed the sprockets since you've noticed the speed drop off? Gearing changes do exactly as you describe. I've also heard of the recall for the dash, not sure if was for under reading though.. Speak to a honda dealer they will be able to tell you what recalls your bike has had.

    As for fuelling have you tried a different map? No need for a custom one unless you want the perfect match. Lots of maps out there which should match your setup, what exhaust you running?
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  3. Wegby

    Wegby New Member

    Jul 15, 2014
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    Thanks for your reply. Re the speedo, I haven't changed anything; I bought the bike in May and it had just had the chain / sprockets changed, but they were standard. The reading started playing up on a trip round Europe. On day 1 it was fine; we covered about 500 miles and it was ok the whole day long. I notied it the following morning on the autobahn down to Baden Baden. I read on one of the (US) posts something along the lines that there have been software faults identified if the dash buttons are fiddled with during the start-up system check, however, I'm sure I hadn't done this, althought I might have started the bike as the rev counter needle was on it's way back to zero (old habbit that I hadn;t broken from my old blade).

    I've put a call into my local Honda dealer, however, they didn't appear to have heard of these issues and as yet, haven't got back to me.

    Sounds like I have some more research to do regarding Power Commanders. Not having had one on a bike before, I thought they were specifically setup to the bike. The front section of the exhaust is standard, but the rear-section and end can is a Scorpion (with removable baffle - which is presently in a 'removed' state :)).

    Hopefully, this isn't going to be a painfully drawn out, or expensive fix...
  4. lambchops

    lambchops Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Have a look here for Maps, check what Powercommander you have, if its a three these maps are for you. No need for a custom map for your bike I wouldnt think.. You need a laptop and USB cable and download the PC software for your PC (its all on the PC website) easy to swap maps. But rolling road is the only way to check if the bike is rich or lean, you could select the map and then have a power run just to check the fueling for about £40 - £50.

    Custom maps are about £200 but for your spec I don't see the need..

    Welcome to Power Commander Motorcycle Fuel Injection Tuning Module
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  5. Jc04

    Jc04 New Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Funny that my rr4 with scorpion can and PC seems to run rich even tho it was set up by jct33 dynojet centre during previous ownership a couple of years ago, I got the dynojet print out with it but seems it's just a power run as there is no fueling line on the graph, my mate says it chokes him when he's playing catch up on his zx10r! My speedo over reads about 10mph at 40 and seems to be over reading more at faster speeds but I have put a 42 on the rear so maybe that is the reason for the optimistic speeds I've been seeing??

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