The reason I ask, is because while riding home from work this evening I was hit in the eye by a fly. Now, I can see you all thinking there's nothing particularly odd about that, but considering that I was wearing a full-face helmet, with the sun-visor down, and the main visor all the way down but for about a centimetre, so how did that happen? Was the fly fitted out with an NO2 kit, or is it something to do with quarks? Anyone got the contact details for Stephen Hawking? He may be able to help explain...
They sometimes can get through the mouth vent and ping up through the vent at the bottom of the visor and into your eye. Ive had it myself.
Quantum physics suggests that should a sub particle be small enough, the very manner with which we observe it, bathing it in photons or electrons which have sufficient mass to alter the subjects mass or momentum, altering it original state and thus rendering the observation moot. So just how big was this fly...?
I would suggest that the aerodynamics of your lid created a vortex about 15mm behind the rear air vent, which then as the fly passed over your melon at about 80mph, was violently sucked back into the rear air vent, funneled up between the liner and the internal padding, about the same time you braked with some force, which then caused it to accelerate along the internal ventilation shaft and drop in front of your visor, just as you released the brake and got hard on the throttle, at that point the poor little bugger was so disorientated that he had lost the will to live and submitted to the forces of physics and ended up in your eye.
forget all that, it's a well known fact that the common fly has to go through compulsory Kamikaze training from birth, sometimes you can hear them screaming BANZAI just before a very stingy impact
Is your visor made of balloon rubber? Was this fly carrying a large knitting needle? If so, I think I know how it happened.....
Hold on a minute, hows the fly? Seems to me like you battered the poor wee beastie to death with a petrol propelled peeper.
Hi folks - been offline for a day or two, but have used time wisely to check with my mate, Schrodinger... He has advised that the fly is both simultaneously alive and dead. Now, where did I leave that vial of acid...?
Don't believe what shrodinger tells you, he only repeats what Heisenberg tells him and he can never make his mind up.