Gents, Am putting my bike back together, and I reckon there is a very, very small amount of play in the rear sprocket rubbers. I can turn the sprocket by hand a degree or 2 back and forwards. My Haynes manual simply says, "if there is ANY play, then they need replacing". Thing is, they are rubbers... there's bound to be a small amount of play, discernable by hand, surely??? So, what's anyone's experience of brand new rubbers... is the sprocket rock-solid on the wheel? Should it be absolutely impossible to twist by hand? PS: its £50 for a new set!!!!!!
giving an amount of degree's is hard to much in mm would you say? but you will get some play in them,if it's excessive you'll find it a little jerky on acceleration,but a few mm wouldn't bother me,the manual also says to change the caliper everytime you take the calipers off........ if ypour really worrie dabout it,you could wrap some insulation tape around the lugs on the carrier,this will take up any slack
Cheers scooby... the rear wheel is back together now, so ain't gonna worry about it for now. It's going in for an MOT next week so will get their thoughts. Is there any way they can be junked altogether, so the sprocket is effectively connected directly to the wheel???
not really,well there is,anything can be done but you'd be looking at a big bill from Harris I suspect .plus you do need the flex of the rubbers or it will put a lot of strain through the chain/sprocket. tbh I wouldn't worry about it,you should see how much play there is on the rear of s1000rr,but with the mod I mentioned it's spot on now.
I shimmed mine with some thin bits of alluminium folded over the webs in the wheel hub. Just thick enough to remove all play , but not over compress the rubbers.