Learn the IoM TT Track

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by DiscoDaveDanger, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. DiscoDaveDanger

    DiscoDaveDanger New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Hi Guys.

    I'm really interested in a trip to the Isle of Man. I wanted to learn the roads/TT Track beforehand though. After seeing Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson learn Laguna Seca on the Playstation. It got me thinking.

    Are there any (preferably Playstation) games out, that have the TT track so you could START to learn?

    I'd also be interested in how other people have approached the TT?

    Any help/advice would be welcome.
  2. Ian E

    Ian E Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    There is a game for Playstation 2 by Jester Interactive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3W8LTdKOS4 I would have thought the On Bike TT DVDs would be better for learning the course (some of the racers watch them).

    Are you hoping to race over there? If you are just visiting remember it is a 37 mile circuit on public roads!
  3. Beckers

    Beckers Elite Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Its not a 'track' buddy, its 37 miles of public road that you need to treat with respect. Just go and enjoy but don/t think you can emulate any of the racers.

    I have been going for years (first time 1980) and still dont know every part :)
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  4. DiscoDaveDanger

    DiscoDaveDanger New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Massive thanks for the advice. I know I'm far from a racer, and wouldn't be looking to get anywhere near the real deal.

    So would you say its best to go there straight off without any prior knowledge, then just enjoy yourself?

    I wouldn't mind doing that, I think I'd prefer to have prior knowledge first though, then just enjoy myself, maybe a little more???
  5. sps170373

    sps170373 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 24, 2013
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  6. Daznorthwest

    Daznorthwest Elite Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Is this a real thread or a piss take :rolleyes:
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  7. Ratser

    Ratser Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2013
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    I got that play station game about a month ago, have never played it before nor any other game with the circuit.
    And I haven't got my old PS2 back yet, so have no idea of the game.
    What I have got is 7 years experience of visiting the TT and there are sections of the track that I know every bend (not by name or mileage in).
    What you have to remember is, as has been said, it's a public road.
    And public roads can change from day to day be its spillages, gravel etc just like any normal road condition.
    You won't get that on a playstation.
    My advice would be to go, experience it for yourself, and ride the course as often as you can (be it the TT, Manx GP or any other time).
    You won't always get One Way over the mountain section though, so beware.

    Of course you could always watch as many TT dvd's and on boards as you can too.
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  8. Flathead

    Flathead Active Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Hi mate,
    Just like to echo all the previous comments.
    Unless you're a racer then there's no need to learn the course. Just follow the thousands of other bikes and enjoy the ride. Remember you're on public roads and therefore the usual hazards still apply though. Sure it's nice to open her up over the mountain (where there is no speed limit and it's one way during the TT fortnight) but ride within your limits and be wary of other riders who maybe riding beyond theirs. I've been for the last four years and the last two on my bike and it's awesome.
    Plenty of info regarding when to book the crossing, where to stay etc in the Racing 'sticky' in this section but my advice is to book as soon as the dates and times of the sailings are announced which is usually just over 12 months before the event ie May 2015 for 2016's fortnight. Although if you want to go next year then you may find available places towards the end of February 2015 when the full amount has to be paid to the ferry operator (Steam Packet) and one or two who have booked and paid their deposit drop out.
    Enjoy the racing, the islands hospitality and most of all ride safe.
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  9. HRCTrev09

    HRCTrev09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    I went over in Aug 12 and watched videos on YouTube and got dvds for Duke in anticipation of the trip and it was a total waste of time!
    As the guys say it no different from riding our own local roads! Traffic lights,roundabouts junctions! But there is no speed limit once you see that white circle with the black strip through it! Luckily where I stayed in Laxey the owner had a R6 and was more than happy to show off his island so we went for a blast a couple of times! Just go over relax and enjoy yourself there are plenty of TT course maps around but just take your time!
    There is a reason riders a killed every year there! There are far more challenging roads in Scotland and England than the TT circuit but because of what and where it is, riders tend to challenge themselves and take far more risks than normal trying to emulate their hero's and that's where it all goes tits up! :(
    So don't put pressure on yourself! Oh and watch out for police on 30's and 40's they take no prisoners! Ride just below the limit to be on the safe side and stick to it! ;)
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  10. Ratser

    Ratser Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2013
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    Just to add to what Trev says.
    The DVD's and games will help you learn the track etc.
    Just not the conditions traffic.

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