Fireblade vs. S1000RR

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by bash1k, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. bash1k

    bash1k Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Morning folks.

    Keen to hear from people who've made the switch from a Fireblade to an S1000RR and what the pros and cons have been in there eyes? This is a broad question but I'm after peoples broad experiences in any shape and form. I'm going to sort a test ride on an S1k soon, but as we all know a 45 minute test ride is not the easiest to gauge a bike on its long term merits or pitfalls.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Perhaps this might be better done via private messages.

    Every other time it's come up the floor's been littered with spitty dummies...
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  3. red5

    red5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    I've just bought a new blade the BMW was on my short list, but after riding it I really could justify the extra cash it cost over and above the blade.
    BMW had a bit of vibration through the pegs and bars where as the blade is silky smooth, although the brakes on the BMW were phenomenal.I just felt the blade was more bang for your pound.
  4. bash1k

    bash1k Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    I'm happy for an open debate! Be good to get all sides of the story. I did actually do a search to see if there was much on here and failed... if anyone has a link to another thread on this I'd be more than happy to read up on that.
  5. Maarten

    Maarten New Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    I've ridden the hp4 this summer back 2back with my 09 blade at Le Mans track and I must say the bmw feels much lighter (with the alu wheels I guess). Bmw also feels more aggressive, specially above 9k rpm...

    My blade turned much better, although ohlins&slicks on the blade vs street tires on hp4 makes it a bit like comparing apples to oranges...

    If I had loads of cash, I'd probably choose bow/kawa for track use. Not that it makes you a better/faster driver... Street wise, the blade is still on top, specially with the sp model

    My 2cents
  6. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Take your pick.

    Other Bikes

    I'll get the popcorn in and polish my 3D glasses...
    • Like Like x 3
  7. bash1k

    bash1k Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Wow, you weren't joking! Thanks though mate - I'm on a great read called 'S1000RR Ride' at the moment.
  8. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Yeah I completely agree with you about open debate. The problem is that this one just kept getting contentious and personal and I've got this great big button...

    profile delete.jpg

    That I hate to use but is as near as banging people's head's together as I'm allowed.

    Just checking.... I'm still not allowed to bang people's head's together, right?



  9. scooby

    scooby Elite Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    not much on here? haha do another search.....

    tbh,if it's just for road it wont make much difference,go for what you prefer the look of.
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  10. mpitman

    mpitman Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Not getting involved lol
  11. bash1k

    bash1k Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Ok lets strip it back and move on from power, handling, which one gives you an extra inch etc... lets go for basics. Comfort and ease of use (relative to the fact it's a sports bike but you know what I mean), reliability, build quality, what's it like to live with day to day etc? It doesn't always have to be about best performance, there's a lot that goes into what makes a bike good!
    #11 bash1k, Oct 3, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  12. RichC

    RichC Active Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    S1000RR - Average rider can fly on one so easy to ride fast. Mines in the for sale section if you fancy it?
  13. Gregr

    Gregr Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Lets get this straight.....THEY ARE BOTH GREAT BIKES. The differences are down to personal preference as far as 'm concerned and that ranges from looks, performance, equipment, the deal you might get on any trade in for one or the other, what is the local dealer like etc etc.
    Personally, the BM just edges it for me, I prefer the dash layout on the BM, you get 'range in miles' when it goes onto reserve, better standard eqiupment options, quickshifter, heated grips etc. The riding postion for me especially with the HP footrest kit is roomer than a blade and with helibars also now fitted my BM is comfier than my blade.
    Plus I got a better deal on a new 2014 BM with £1500 worth of accessories for free and a lower price than I could have got a 2014 non abs blade, swayed it for me :)
  14. lambchops

    lambchops Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Ive heard a few storys of bad quality parts and things failing on the BM, was speaking to a lass the other day with one and she was on her 6th indicator switch gear due to failures.. Also her kill switch has failed also leaving her stranded. She did have an early model though so perhaps its the reason..
  15. bash1k

    bash1k Active Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    A lovely one it is too! Bit out of my budget unfortunately :(
  16. Gregr

    Gregr Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    yeah I'd heard about some faults including those but I think they were mainly on the earlier models. There are some things that annoy me and I think it's more a 'German Engineering' thing. In the most part there are some lovely design touches but then there are some plain stupid and annoying things, like how the rear seat cowl fits and has to juggled to get the damn thing off. I work on German made Siemens postal sorting machines and they are exactly the same, mostly very clever and sound engineering but spoilt by a few stupid bits, almost as if they let the apprentice designer loose!!!
  17. jimglasgow

    jimglasgow Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Had a 2013 ABS blade, was more than satisfied with till the ABS issued raised its ugly head. Swapped it out and I know I gonna say something very contentious, I got myself S1000 and I'm afraid is a better bike by a country mile..... and the brakes work and are phenomenal. Notice it was a bit vibby at 4K revs, but now I don't even notice it and so glad I binned the Honda...its only my opinion:)
  18. lambchops

    lambchops Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Que the floodgates!
  19. fredaroony

    fredaroony Guest

    I used to work for Siemens medical and everything they made was way over-engineered. It made working on anything over complicated for no real reason.

    Love the look of the S1000R though :)
  20. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Never owned one but had 2 extended test rides, each time I bought my last 2 bikes.

    For me it comes down to what you use the bike for.

    The BM has better brakes and more outright power and more toys too play with, with more adjustability. At the outright end it's the more powerful faster bike, no doubt. Whether that equates to point to point fastest time is not down to the bike, but the riders ability with these 2 bikes.

    The Honda holds a corner line better, mid range feels stronger, and is totally basic in the toys dept.

    Looks are personal, but no one buys a Beamer for outstanding aesthetic beauty, but again beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    For me it came down to the fact I need a 12 month a year 5/6 day a week bike that I can throw my leg over and just ride fast or slow, whatever I need.

    The sheer amount of electronic trickery makes me nervous, for the long term durability of the systems, and the servicing implications.

    I have seen issues with a mate I work with his Beamer having to buy £300s worth of software to get the brakes into service mode for bleeding and other servicing needs.

    The Blade is just about the last Superbike out there unfettered by aids and electronics (we are talking non ABS), and for my 15k a year regime, it just feels right for me.

    If I was a weekend only rider, I would have chosen the BM, but I am not.
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