Look at getting the 16-034 model as comes with 5 connectors and will be easier to sell on, it's for the 12 onwards model but fits the earlier models
I've got a pc5 16-002 with 5 connectors.With an o2 eliminator kit.The map on it is for an Akropovic slip-on.Cd and instructions are there in the box along with a dyno read out on Black-Devils bike.I was going to fit this lot on mine but been offered something else cosmetically so this can fund that instead.PM me with your offer if its good you can have it.
Power Commander V features. • Reduced size from PCIIIusb (less than half of the size of PCIII) • USB powered from computer (9 volt adapter is no longer needed for programming) • 2 position map switching function built in (map switch not included) • Gear input (allows for map adjustment based on gear and speed) • Analog input (allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor and build an adjustment table based on its input such as boost or temperature) • With gear position input connected the PCV is capable of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear (for example: on a 4 cylinder bike with a six speed transmission there could be up to 24 separate fuel tables). • Unit has a -100/+250% fuel change range (up from -100/+100%). This allows more adjustment range for 8 injector sportbikes • 10 throttle position columns (up from 9 on PCIIIusb) • Enhanced “accel pump” utility (increased adjustment and sensitivity ranges)
PC3 and PCV are essentially identical technically. They use the same maps. Fuel at the same points. Only difference is the size and what you can plug in.