Power commander with Yoshimura R77?

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Gripper, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Gripper

    Gripper Active Member

    Jun 8, 2013
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    I have just fitted new R77 Yoshimura end can to my 2011 blade but weather has stopped me trying it out. Do they need a power commander as well? Told that shouldn't need it but just wanted to get opinion.
  2. Jonnymac

    Jonnymac Active Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Mine runs fine without. I willl get a PCV at some point, but no problems at all.
    It may hunt a bit at first but soon settles down
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  3. navvy10

    navvy10 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Ran mine without PCV for a little while and as Jonny says it just hunts on idle a little but otherwise fine mate
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  4. billo01

    billo01 Member

    May 22, 2012
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    I've just fitted an R77 to mine yesterday. Like a daft tw$t I put it on straight out the box, tightened it all up only to find that the heat shield didn't line up with any of the fixings. Took it all off then split it down into 3 sections and reassembled, secured it all in place then fitted the springs, heat shield now lines up.

    What I have found is that the bottom edge of the heat shield now rests on the link pipe. I seem to remember from somewhere someone having this issue which was discovered when their Yoshi was taken off and found that the heat shield had worn a groove into the link pipe over time and probably would've gone through eventually.
    Anyone else have this type of alignment?
  5. ccr32

    ccr32 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Resurrecting this thread as I have just fitted an R77 to my RR-D and a couple of things to note:

    Billo - yes, I also had trouble fitting the infill panel (and also discovered this after fitting everything else in place and tightening up, like a berk!) - had to modify one of the brackets to make it fit properly but fits better now than when I started.

    The hunting and rough running at idle is a problem though. As others have reported on this and other blade forums, it goes between about 1100 and 1300 RPM at half second (ish) intervals. The bike didn't run this way with the standard exhaust, though interestingly neither did it when the RaceFit was fitted either.

    I haven't tried fitting the baffle to the Yoshi yet as, frankly, the design of it is absurd - not only can you push the baffle too far in and lose it inside the exhaust (really, yes), the screw hold the baffle is short enough so that it doesn't protrude too much into the exhaust outlet, but also small enough that should it drop off the Allen key as you are putting it through the hole in the carbon end cap you will probably lose it in there forever. Stupid stupid design.

    Beginning to wish I'd just left the standard exhaust on there now and just ridden the thing rather than continually messing around with it, grrrrr.

    Anyway, is the only way to fix the idle by going the PCV and O2 eliminator route? Seems that way, though some report that the hunting remains even after doing both.
  6. Philhasasti

    Philhasasti Active Member

    Nov 16, 2014
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    I Put the baffle in and it does not hunt. Runs perfectly


    You can see it in this picture. Still sounds great too.. :)
    #6 Philhasasti, Jan 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
  7. ccr32

    ccr32 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Well, I got the baffle in this morning (after having to use a longer bolt given that the car wash people hoovered the normal short one out of the cubby hole in the car that I was keeping it in this morning, gargh!!), and took the bike for a run to warm it through. It still hunts a little but there is a marked improvement. To my ears, there is also an improvement in the noise too, so that's a bonus.

    Will see how I get on over the next few weeks and report back then!
  8. ccr32

    ccr32 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Actually, Philhasasti, could I ask a favour? Something else that has been bugging me since I fitted the R77 is how far it sticks out - to my eyes, it is poking out too far to the side, to the extent that I think it is further out than the right peg slider...

    Now I am not Marc Marquez by any stretch of the imagination, so it doesn't bother me from the lean angle perspective, but I do like things to be right...

    Do you have any pics of your bike from the rear so I could compare with mine?
  9. binned_it

    binned_it Active Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Mine ran a little rough without the PCV: jerkier throttle response and (oddly) more buzzy through the bars on the motorway.
    Preferred the standard exhaust.

    But then fitted the PCV and cured it: now smooth as butter with the yoshi, can't fault it.
  10. Philhasasti

    Philhasasti Active Member

    Nov 16, 2014
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    Yes sure bud. Here's one I took a while back just after I fitted it.

    Hope this helps :)
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  11. ccr32

    ccr32 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Thanks for that. Will have a look at mine from the same angle and will compare and contrast!
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  12. ccr32

    ccr32 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Interesting. Will see how I get on with the R77 on its own for the next couple of weeks before deciding of I need to invest in a PCV.

    Will I see any other benefits of having a PCV installed, other than smoothness and throttle response? (which is probably worth it for that alone IMO)
  13. kirkwall32

    kirkwall32 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I fitted a Yoshi R77 to my 2008 blade, and I have to say it runs nice and smooth at low speed and very little or no hunting at all on tick over, I did install the baffle, which by reading various posts on this topic it does help. My bike looks and sounds so much better than when I had the standard can fitted.
    So far I cannot see the need to buy a PCV unless things change come the summer, but hope not.

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