I got these from a Geoffro on here very cheaply. So this was going to be worth a shot. I have previously been told you could recover high gloss carbon by flatting back the old lacquer and redoing it so thought I'd give it a go. I never got a pic of the worse one but this was the not so bad one. One of Geoff's pics show the worse one here. I got some 800 wet & dry and flatted both down until there was no shine. If there is any shine left the lacquer will not stick or at least it will not stay on there! I had a rattle can of duplicolour (or similar) clear lacquer here so holding the can around 4-5 inches away I gave it a few light coats ensuring good coverage then left it bake in the sun. I left it flash off for about 15 minutes then gave it another 2 coats then left it bake off again. This is the final outcome! Very happy If the mods want to stick this in another thread as a how to please feel free. Someone may benefit from it at some point. EDIT: Just put the link from here in the how to maintenance links thread.
Glad your happy pal and they've gone to a good home Have you used a harder laquer? I found the as soon as you show them a boot they scuff!
whilst giving the dash area a wipe over earlier this but fell off the bike and I'm not sure where from! It has the following printed inside, PP MFJ CORD GUI DE/ Honda Maybe a cable guide
I only used the Duplicoloyr lacquer as it was here but I have since used 2 pack rattle can lacquer but it’s not cheap at £17 a tin and once left it cures in the tin after 24 hour. It comes with the lacquer and hardener in the same can and there is a pin in the bottom which you pull out to mix it. Should be able to source at any good vehicle refinishing paint shop.