Hi Guys I went for a ride yesterday - it was everything fine and never had any clutch problem before - but on my way back home - i spotted my clutch is slipping. It was all right up till 7-8k and then started to slip. I was still riding toward home and spotted that 'clutch slipping border'' through 6k,5k,4k,3k,went down up till 2k. I used to have a rule if something is wrong with engine i don't touch it. But I hope it's maybe some minor thing which i could do myself? Any suggestions please ? thanks
Replacing clutch plates easy enough if you're fairly confident with a spanner and can follow instructions. I used to think it was like black magic until I grabbed a Haynes manual and changed the clutch on my bandit years ago.
Oil just been changed 3 weeks ago mate. Its cable clutch but i checked it and its all fine. It feels like some bolt have undone ?? Is that possible ?
How old is the bike and how many miles? Stupid question maybe but I take it you used a quality motorcycle oil from a reputable retailer? Only time I've had clutch slip is when the clutch was worn out
Clutch plates should last at least 40K plus if not abused on a blade, sounds like you have used some dodgy oil
If it's genuine motul oil you've used then that's very unlikely to be the cause of the problem. Clutch lever seems to be adjusted fine. Has the bike been changing gear ok? As said above I think the clutch will need to be stripped to check for worn/warped plates or broken spring.
Yes never had any issues with nothing at all. I always imaging if clutch go - it's longer process. That's why I thought maybe something unscrewed or something?!?
Not being a Motul user is the oil you used fully or semi synthetic have heard a few stories of slipping clutches on fully synthetic especially on low mileage bikes just a thought
Its possible then fully might sound daft lubricates to well and on a low mileage engine and can stop the normal wearing in process read somewhere wasnt advisable until after 12k miles although fully or semi is a can of worms subject like tyres lol have run mine on semi from new now done 36k miles road track long journeys etc with no probs hope you sort it mate
Shouldn't be any problem with the engine oil, sometimes if you use a car engine oil this can cause clutch slip due to the slipping additives in car oil. Pull the clutch cover off and check the clutch plates, its not that difficult a job probably 1.5 hours. You will need a micrometer or vernier caliper to measure the plates though.
It could be the slipper clutch playing up. Motul 7100 is a very good oil for bikes so don't worry on that front Have you had your local Honda dealer look at it yet?
I know it's good oil I have always use it before in my previous bikes and always been happy with. I'll try to fix my own first - i let you know what was the reason.