I have crash bungs on my bike and used them in anger this January (see the thread "a catastrophe" when I hit a cat)... the crash bungs saved the bike big time!!!! I had them replaced though... not sure these were re-usable!
It's a Danmoto can. Was ultra cheap (thank god!). It will do for a little bit. I only really use the bike to commute to work, so hopefully the more battered it looks the less likely it will get nicked (again!) I'm thinking as winter is coming I'll ride it through and see how I feel in spring about it. (I'm all over the place - tomorrow I'll probably decide to buy a 2015 r1 then Tuesday buy a cbr 125)
Don't know about commuting in to work tomorrow, I suggest staying in bed, you might just see the day out in one piece matey
Sorry to hear this! Glad your OK! In your picture is the frame damaged behind the fairing? Had an off recently and my insurance replaced all my fairings but can't decide whether to fit R&Gs.
Thanks. Which picture? I had R&G's on my previous blade, had them fitted by honda due to the drilling of the panels. Might fit them to this blade once it's sorted....not sure yet....
The very first one, its not that clear whether its damage or just the flash etc. Insurance also provided some R&Gs but can't bring myself to drill brand new fairings. My last R&Gs limited the damage but wondering what the damage would have been without them. I think at minimum you need engine case protector (which I also have) FYI drilling the fairings is easy ( did them myself) just buy the r&g drill kit.
I'd not drill the fairings personally, I'd spend the extra and buy the Bike Design no cut ones for £142. £100 cheaper than R&G's version. http://www.bikehps.com/acatalog/Honda_CBR1000RR_Fireblade_2008-2011_Crash_Protectors.html
Oh right, if you mean low level on the frame next to the break, yes that's where my boots have been scuffing the frame and worn it down. Must be the way I sit on the bike as my last one wore in exactly the same spot. Good to know you can get a drill kit to assist. I'll weigh it up once I have a normal bike again. Although...your HRC looks lovely. Always wanted that bike. As someone said earlier this could be an opportunity to make the bike I want (with cheap Chinese fairings - lol)
If your boots are wearing the frame grab a boot protector kit from R&G only about £30 plus VAT. http://www.rg-racing.com/browsebike/Honda/CBR1000RR_Fireblade/2015/EZBG307BL/
Thanks the HRC scheme has also been my fav, considering getting the sp version for mine and putting the OEM in the loft for safe keeping! with regard to damage, I actually meant the white bit in the cut out section of the fairing,
You could have made an effort to make the black duct tape on the fairing look like factory decals and match on both sides!
The good thing with the Bike Design ones is they have a bar across the engine linking to the other side to spread the load. My BIL has recently fitted them to his 99 R6.