Hy guys! I have a 08 sc59 and pulling the clutch lever requieres a forearm as Popeye has. Some other friends of mine that have sc59, don't have such a hard operating clutch. My bike has 20.000 KM. I lubed it, there was a small improvement but not much... I disconnected it from the lever and if I pull and push the cable, is goes smoothlly. I won't like to buy a new cable and end up with the same thing, so I would like to ask you guys if anyone of you replaced the clutch cable and noticed any improvement. Thank you!
My cable was doing the same at roughly same mileage & I noticed it was fraying. Nipped it to garage & my mate found that it was catching where it was going into the engine casing area causing the fraying. Popped me a new cable in & adjusted the cock up that had been done by previous garage & its been sweet as since & I'm on 32k now.
Hi changed my cable to on my 10 plate only because changed the levers for asv and I damaged the end of the cable.pain easy to do thou
SMOOTH Operation now! I'm writing this, maybe it will be useful for somebody later on. Although my cable wasn't fraying or didn't have any damage what so ever I replaced it and now I'll pop wheelies like magic One more thing was that you have to trace the cable through a special hole on the upper side of the radiator, which twists the cable a lot. I traced the cable in a more straight line and the operation is even smoother. The only inconvenient is that the cable goes up in front of the dash now, because the cable has longer path. But just next to that place where you stick the key in to start the wheelie machine the cable goes through a metal wire holder. I zip tied the cable to that holder the way I wanted so the cable won't get to much in front of the dash. So if you have a hard operating clutch, i recommend you to change the clutch cable if it has some milage although it isn't fraying. VRUUUM
Other thing you can do is spray grease down the cable. This should be part of your yearly maintenance.
Not really, before cables were nylon lined lubrication was needed, modern cables with nylon lining go stiff when the nylon is worn through on tighter radius turns
So are you saying you shouldn't grease the cables? With the grease in the cables I would hazard a guess that it would help prevent the nylon being worn in the first place. But hey what do I know
Mate I'm not even that old to know WTF Duckhams is. Anyway how's that SP1 of yours running you still got it?
My old man used to use this on his Honda CB250... it stank the house out and has like treacle syrup! Thank god for chain lube
SP is still in bits, i have nearly finished building a trick motor for it (flowed heads hc pistons, c/r box full motec ecu race alternator sp2 throttle bodies etc) It has been nearly ready for most of this year, unfortunately i have been tied up most of the year with family illness
Very good info pal don't suppose you have a pic of the tight cable routing spot? I wouldn't be surprised if over time, dirt and fluff gradually line the inside of the tube and restrict the cable movement at those tight spots. I normally spray PTFE or GT85 lube down the cable hoping it washed the dirt down