Wasn't sure if the blue wheels would work, but judging by the photos they do. Bike looks great by the way, love that Austin Racing exhaust.
Rsr moto in carbon, copy of the r&g hugger http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Honda-CBR10...e-Carbon-Rear-Fender-/141935868375?nav=SEARCH
Bang on.... RSR front and rear in matte.... Still missing my Red OE mudguard but the front is growing on me! And it matches the rear. In an ideal world I'd like to add some Red to the front mudguard and have some areas with the carbon showing, and could do the same with the rear.... That's got me thinking.....
Yeh thought of that Steve, but lots of awkward angles, wicked coatings are just down the road from me so I might have a chat with them and let them loose on the front and rear see what they come up with, problem is if they paint them I will have to get both units clear coated, but thinking satin would look great.... Watch this space
Couldn't not notice your carbon fiber infill panels, I presume they are from PRO FIBER because it says on it, but I couldn't find it on their website, can you give us an indication on how u got it and how much?
It's a racefit panel with some random stickers on it but next time you see it it will be Victory Red along with the bellypan and some red in the carbon hugger and mudguard