Blade Stole (again)

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by GaryS, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. GaryS

    GaryS Active Member

    May 25, 2013
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    After posting up my recent court experiences from the bastards who stole my blade, (suspended sentences for 'handling'), it cuts me up to tell you guys she was stolen again from my garage last week. Im too traumatised to go into a long story this time but the tracker took plod to a lock-up but they said as it was Sunday eve and the premises were locked on an industrial estate (like my first loss) they could nt get in and identify which unit it was coming from. They went back later on Monday (apparently) but the tracker had stopped emitting so they did nt pursue it. Six days later they have nt even been in touch. A few days previously MCN did get in touch, via the nice police lady who handled my previous case, to say they could not print the names/photos of the fuckers that nicked my Blade. That went to Court in Feb.,it cant because its only policy to print that if the guilty get imprisoned we wont see them them in MCN. So thats why we dont see too much about theft in the paper. ( I posted it here before if you want to know- it was the owners of 'Bike bits r us' of Hereford) and some slag from Woolwich/Thamesmead, again if you are interested its in my last post, with some helpful comments from other lads (Thank you). So today I decided to claim on the insurance, sending the keys in tomorrow. I ve got to the point where I feel I cant have a decent blade anymore. Ive thwarted a few attempts but Greenwich is such a bollocks place to have a nice bike. I looked at year old MT07 at the weekend, I may get that as a compromise but its no RR is it. If anyone has any ideas on the subject of bikes that don't attract sticky fingered little bastards or has a decent middle-weight bike they want to sell, perhaps shout me privately. It cuts me up to move away from a Blade, but what can you do? I slept in the car on and off last year to catch them but you cant live like that. Cheers (Hopefully I'll get a new blade when I can find a nuclear bunker to park in locally). GaryS
  2. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Its shit mate on the subject of which next bike to get I don't think it matters they will pinch anything from scooters,supermotos to superbikes. As for not getting entry cos its Sunday well that's just bollox! What more can you do for the police bar handing them to em on a plate
  3. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    I'd be more than slightly pissed of at the lack of action from the plod to locate the bike , I'm sure with a little effort it could have been located and who knows broken up a bike theft 'ring'.

    I would contact your MP - after all you pay council tax to fund the police and they have done very little it appears and allowed the tracker battery to go flat in the time.

    I really hope for you it start emitting again but its unlikely.

    Re the MT07 I think that's a smart move , they are really capable bikes and good fun and hopefully not attractive to thieves - the killer reading the above post is that a breaker in Hereford was linked with gangs operating in London.

    Try not to let them run you down but easier said than done
  4. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    That's rubbish....they were found guilty therefore the details are in the public domain & are entitled to be published!

    Agree with dave in that it doesn't really matter what you have, if they know it's there they'll try & nick it. If its back in the same garage then its probably the first lot who took it that nicked it again or passed the info onto other thieving scum!
  5. sp1n99

    sp1n99 Active Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Although it won't help re- the bike situation I would be well pissed off with the plod. To this end I would post the details of how they messed up on their social media sites. They do not like public criticism.
    You would need to be 100% on the details to stop them coming back at you.
    Hope you have better luck with your next bike...don't let the bastards grind you down
  6. Plake

    Plake Active Member

    Jul 2, 2012
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    Absolutely sickening. I left London (SE1) after my car got broken into 4 times in a single year.

    I'd definitely be writing to the police commissioner. Stinks that police can't access an industrial estate at the weekend and there's no reason why access can't be arranged in future. It's in the tenants best interests after all, unless they're thieving scumbags.
  7. Dave

    Dave Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Fortunately we don't have to much of a problem here. As for plod, unfortunately seems typical.:mad:
  8. wilbert

    wilbert Active Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    It's posts like this that boil my piss. Sorry to hear you have had your pride and joy nicked (again) but the police and the courts have failed you (us) again. How easy do the police need it to be to make an arrest? The courts hand out pathetic punishments so it's no wonder there is little or no deterrent these days. Bikes are not cheap and most of us work overtime and make other sacrifices to pay for them so it stinks that more isn't being done to stamp out theft.
  9. Slim Ted

    Slim Ted Active Member

    May 16, 2013
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    Haven't been here for a while chaps. Just brings back horrendous memories of my beloved Blade being stolen as well a couple of years ago.
    There must be people out there buying cheap bikes/parts in order to make stealing worth while. So who are these people? Every biker I know moans like hell about scum bag bike thieves and would not buy iffy kit. So who does? They must be bikers as well.
    Rant over...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. slasherr

    slasherr Active Member

    Mar 10, 2013
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    I'm very sorry and hugely disappointed to hear of this, perhaps buy something tidy then rat it so it is unappealing to these idiots.

    As for who would buy stolen parts, I've noticed a number of videos online showing groups of (non)bikers stunting and baiting the police who don't appear to mind being captured on traffic enforcement cameras. I would imagine they are riding unidentifiable (stolen) bikes.
  11. GaryS

    GaryS Active Member

    May 25, 2013
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    Thanks to everyone who replied here. I'm so pissed off and I really don't want to quit blade riding- I loved my blade and she never let me down once in 20k miles. Last shout I'm looking at an MT07 as a less stealable alternative but if anyone has a CBR thou R or blade around the £5k mark and wants to sell give me a PM and I'll reconcile head and heart before tomorrow! This has been a cool forum but whatever I will get another blade some day! Fuck them. GaryS
    • Like Like x 1
  12. old git

    old git Active Member

    Sep 16, 2014
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    Sorry to hear about your experiences. I know it didn't get the required result first time round and was even less satisfactory the second time but it's much further than you would have got in Scotland. Motorcycle theft is as close to legal as you can have without there actually being a law saying so. The police do absolutely nothing other than hide behind nonsensical excuses. Scum bags steal bikes and ride them with impunity, the police won't make any effort to catch them but think nothing of filming otherwise fully legal road users who break the speed limit on some deserted road and plaster it all over social media.
  13. auag

    auag Active Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    I'm a new member and very sorry to read your experience.
    I do however have a certain view I'd like to add.
    I have a number of old TVRs and the market to steal these cars is nearly nil, mostly because you just can't fence the bits. Buyers ask questions, it's a close community. So, as an earlier post stated, someone is knowingly buying stolen parts, simple and obvious.
    Secondly, and very worryingly is the Police. I would suggest they are being allowed and encouraged, to pull back from property theft, because their focus and attention is being preped for a much changed world, the worst of which is yet to arrive.
    They're being paramilitarised in their actions and appearance. The Police we knew has gone.
    I do not think complaining to the Police or any authority will yield any helpful results, because they are acting to plan. They no longer have any intention of protecting private property.
    I would suggest for all our mental health's sake, to ensure something you cherish, is not practically possible to steal, and if you can not do that, due to where you live or the limits of your security resources, then regrettably I would advise accepting theft as likely.
    The world has changed, and the Police know and see a different role for themselves.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. dansp1

    dansp1 Active Member

    Jul 1, 2015
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    I am inclined to agree with all that ^^^ (sorry about the TVR's)
  15. pete954

    pete954 Active Member

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Open borders across the former communist block has made moving stolen property a doddle. It's now just so easy to thieve and get away with it, Police forces between these nations don't see this kind of crime a priority.

    Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk
  16. dansp1

    dansp1 Active Member

    Jul 1, 2015
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    Is Hereford former Eastern Bloc? :)
  17. pete954

    pete954 Active Member

    Jul 31, 2014
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    It's very similar, only cattle rustling is probably more common than motorcycle theft

    Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk

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