15th September 1975, I joined the Police service and started my first day of training. 41 years ago today. I remember it like it was yesterday and I am still in touch with a few who joined the same day as me (who went onto much higher ranks I hasten to add), but makes you wonder where all the time has gone. Different service now to the one I joined though.
Ahh! Did you have to? I started in the Fire Service on 28th August 1975 and wasn't feeling old until I read this. Still, as they say " you're only as old as the woman you feel"
When I had my last cardiology appointment, Dr asked how I felt. Great says I I feel like I have the mind of a 21 year old with the birth certificate and experience of someone in their 50's who happens to have the body of someone in their 70's He laughed........B@stard......
I am 53 and also wonder where time has gone, don't feel like 53 and when I put my helmet on the grey hair disappears This afternoon I took the blade and went to germany, better twisties end no speedlimit on the autobahn. Took the blade in second gear onto the 57 and when it reached 9000 rpm the front wheel lifted till I banged into third. Got her up to 299 km and had a big smile When I returned home my wife saw my face and said, why are you smiling : ohh nothing, just enjoyed the ride You are as old as you feel and like you said; the problem is that your body desperate tries to keep up with your mental age