I was wondering if anyone had actually bought a new Arai from a well known Japanese retailer. They are quite a bit cheaper (subject to customs charges). They also warn of different fitments etc for different countries. Freddie Spencer replica for £400 including shipping for an RX7X (not V).
I would personally watch out. The fit will be an Asian fit, so probably won't be a good fit and potentially by the time the customs monkeys get their share, you will have spent a fair chunk.
Speaking as someone with two skull fractures (one of them being a base of skull fracture), I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, your helmet is your most important piece of kit. Buy the right helmet, don't think about saving money.
My mate had a Japanese Arai last year, saved £250 but wasn't the same shell as a U.K. Lid, apparently UK is a different shell size to Japs and the US so hard to tell if it's going to fit, Also came with no ACU gold badge. He sold it shortly after due to these issues.
From Arai's - Technical Information About Arai Helmets Construction - Arai Tecs III "Arai even produces different shaped shells and liners for different continents: rounded for Asian countries, longer and narrower for North American customers and wider at the front for the European market" http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-helmets/arai-tecs-iii-document.pdf Quite an interesting read.
Well...that's 20 minutes outa me life I'll never get back, reading all of that Ya can tell it's winter & not much riding going on
Although I agree with some of the above... saftety obviously paramount... Would (apart from shell sizes) Arai have different manufacturing processes for different countries ? Saying that frustratingly I personally would only buy from trusted sources.... knowing I've spent a shit load of dosh on a premium product instead of thinking I've saved a shit load on the same product shipped in from Japan....
Given that's it a genuine Arai product then i wouldnt worry~i actually got my Edwards Laguna Seca RX7 from USA as the 'long oval' shape suits my hideously deformed head better than the european 'wide oval' shell~mi darned chin always kept goong below the chinbar on UK stock whereas the US one was deeper. Gotta be sure of ur shape tho before commiting . PS: soz bout the Benelli but its the only remaining pic i had of the Arai