SALES@BIKEBITSNI.COM We have all other coloured banjo's available except for the Black ones. Normal stainless, gold stainless, red stainless, green stainless or blue stainless all available. Cheers
Yes, we are just waiting on a batch being returned from the guys that do the colour coating. They told us be with us on Wednesday
Sending my payment now jonny Just let me know when the black ones turn up, so I dont get to excited to early and start worrying that there not here yet ! With the race ones do you need to get any extra parts to fit the fronts like p clips etc ??
Will do mate. Just need to pucker up and get it done. I've got a few other things I've got planned first though that will take priority.
Ohhh sounds interesting, is it secret it sounds a lot but There is a lot more involved in the ABS system and I am sure it will be worth the cash, just always sounds a lot in comparison to the non ABS
Na no secret mate. Nothing too fancy, rear sets, custom map for the PCV, then I'm thinking about getting the suspension sorted. Only makes sense to get the braking sorted after that.
The custom map really does transform the bike, mine is so smooth now..... My next thing is rersets and then suspension and then thats it for me I think before I lose my wife, kids and home
Love it 99.9% of bikers (and me inc) tune the motor, fix the suss and then work out how to They say it should be stopping, suss and then the motor...whats the fun in that...
Much the same. The gf keeps texting me when I'm at work saying. That's another parcel arrived , what the feck have u bought this time
I've just kitted my garage out with some tools and tool boxes/chest. I've had a parcel of varying sizes and weight delivered almost every day for the last two weeks - my Mrs has been less than impressed, passing identical comments. Love it!
I promised my wife that if I got a brand new bike I would not have to buy anything for it !!!! as its new and the best bike ever lol Look at the list since may 2011 + add Hel lines now She must love me ?????
What day do you think the brake lines should arrive mate, and also do they require a signature to recieve them.