2005 cbr 1000 indicators not working

Discussion in 'Maintenance' started by Arshad Vohora, May 28, 2017.

  1. Arshad Vohora

    Arshad Vohora New Member

    May 28, 2017
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    Hello guys. Just joined the forum and was looking for some advice.

    I purchased 05 (2004 model) cbr 1000rr couple weeks ago. It came with meta system m357t v2 alarm.

    I have been riding it to work and back for a solid week with no problems until today. The damn signals don't work.

    It's wierd. They work fine when the alarm is activated, deactivated and when I press the key for hazards but they don't respond when I use the signal buttons on the handlebar to indicate left or right. I checked fuse and it seems fine. Done research to check out the relay around the headlights but there isn't one there. The bike does have led signals.

    Everytime I start the bike, and press the signal button, I can see on the dash that signal light comes on for quick millisecond and then it just stays off.

    Any ideas what to look for?

    I am planning to take the tank off and the airbox as the wires from the handlebar seems to go there. And strip the wiring to understand what the hell is going on.

    I know there is a relay in the meta system as I can hear it click when I use the meta system hazard light function but I am not sure whether it uses the same relay for the bike indicator aswell...

    Thank you
  2. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    As it affects all the indicators the relay or switch would be my first suspects. Try spraying some contact cleaner into the switch and go from there.
  3. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Which fuse and relay did you check? Yours should be behind the left hand upper fairing piece.
    Failing that, follow the loom from the left hand switch gear until you get to the plug and check it's connected properly.
    Does your high beam/headlight flash still work ok?
  4. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Had this issue, get some contact cleaner and open up the switch
  5. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Relay is in the nose cone behind the headlight, real pain in the arse!
  6. Arshad Vohora

    Arshad Vohora New Member

    May 28, 2017
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    Okay so I opened up everything. There is no relay where it should be which is between the 2 headlights. I cleaned up the switch but still same old. The switch seems to be working fine. I attached multimeter on each wire coming from switch and they seem to respond correctly when I play with the turn switches.

    Everyother switch does work which is horn and high/low beam.

    I will attach some pictures. I feel like it uses relay which is inside the meta system instead of the oem relay. The wiring is a nightmare to follow but I will attach some pictures and youtube video of the problem in an hour. There was grease around the plugs. I cleaned up most of it and made it clean using contact cleaner but it still doesn't work.

    I will see if I can fix it by today. If not then I will just buy universal indicator kit...

    Thanks for all your help. Really appreciate it..
  7. Arshad Vohora

    Arshad Vohora New Member

    May 28, 2017
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    Just a quick happy update.

    I am a moron.

    There was an acumen relay between the headlights but I thought since the bike has aftermarket acumen gear indicator, it was for that.

    So after literally tracing all the wires of the bike from front to back. And retaping the wires again....took the whole bike apart in doing so...that acumen thing was the turn signal relay. Figured out after reading the fitting intruction of acumen gear indicator and it didn't mention that at all. Plus I should have seen the gray and green/white wire going in which are for turn signal relay. So so so stupid on my behalf.

    But disconnected the relay, shorted the connection and indicators came on, obviously no flashing so ordered new on off amazon and hopefully that is that.

    The good thing is...I pretty much know the bike from inside out so doing maintenance should be little easier and quicker.

    And to folks out there:

    Don't ride bike without indicators.
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