I am in a bit of a quandary and I have concluded that it is something that I may be better off getting a different opinon/view on the matter from a different perspective. I am a founder member from 30+ years ago of an advanced driving and riding group. It is quite a large group. For many years I did all the lecture sessions on Roadcraft, I advised tutors (both car and bike) sat on the committee, but time contraints meant that I could not give it the attention it required or deserved and so after about 10 years or so, I stood down but I was always on hand to offer advice if and when required, and I was given honourary life membership of the group. Subsequently, over the years I have gone back as guest speaker, but this weekend I received an email from the president of the group saying that the current chairperson was stepping down in September, would I be prepared to consider being put forward or considered as the new chairman of the group. I am very flattered obviously, but the more I think about it, the more I think that to accept the offer to even be put forward would be wrong even though I do now have more time on my hands. I have not been active in the group for a long time. There are members and committee members who have been not only active but given up a lot of time to promote the group who are probably more deserving. My appointment could cause a lot of animosity amongst members who may not be aware of my history or background with the group even though from what I am aware I would be the first chairman qualified on both cars as well as bikes.. There are other potential issues that might arise if I were to accept the nomination. So what would be your views? Say to hell with it and just accept the nomination and see what happens? Just say thank you for being considered but gracefully decline the offer? Anything that I may have overlooked or not considered given my very brief explanation above. Views and comments appreciated
If you understand the group well enough which clearly you do, and you are wrestling with your conscience about the decision having a detrimental effect on the group as a whole by potentially throwing your hat in the ring... then maybe respectfully declining for the greater good is the sensible way. That said, how can you be sure whoever else might be in the frame does a good job! As in all walks of life / organisations.... successful appointments and leaders aren't nessesarily popular ones. Good luck with your decision
As in all walks of life / organisations.... the more you volunteer the more those who do bu--er all... do less! If you have the slightest doubt... your heart and soul will probably not be in it and so just maybe... your not the best person for the job. You could volunteer to help out with particular events should you feel so inclined & maybe just offer to lend the occasional ear to the successful candidate if they would consider your input valuable.
If you're going to commit to it if you get it and more importantly, want to do it then I'd say go for it. You sound like you're more than qualified for the position and given your historical participation I'm sure that'd make people see you as a suitable successor.
Sounds like you gut feeling is to say no, and from what you say about others having been active and giving up their time, well I would say thanks for the offer but no thanks.
Our local RoADAR group recently went through a change Tony. A long serving chair stepped down. A new Chair & Vice Chair were elected with the agreement that each year at the agm, the vice chair is nominated to step up to chair, and a new vice chair is elected. Now, whether that continues to work is a different matter. The new chair has put together a training team that now looks after tutor training, with the advanced tutors and dip holders signing them off once consistent competency is evidenced. Doing things that way spreads the load a little. All three examiners attend group nights where possible and it gives tutors the opportunity to ask us questions relating to ongoing associates. Works well for us without there being too much put on one individual. Hope that helps.
Wouldn't it go to a vote anyway and therefore minimise the risk of your potential appointment upsetting other members? I would do what you want to do personally and not worry too much about what other people may think. Good luck!
I am meeting up with the President when he returns from his hollybobs, so we will have a chat about it, but I think I have decided what I am going to do anyway.