abs or not?

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by bazzashadow, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. travellingkiwi

    travellingkiwi Active Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Yeah it does... When it fails unexpectedly, if you manage to get down to about 16mph then the brakes suddenly lock on... Instant endo!
  2. travellingkiwi

    travellingkiwi Active Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    I had a full bleed on my '13 plate back in May. Solved my issues (For a while - again). It seems that the major problem is you need to bleed them fully and often. Maybe yearly.

    Luckily the dealer didn't charge me an arm and a leg. i think it was about £190 for that and an oil service.
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  3. hessel

    hessel Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    i bought my 2016 abs new and have done some 10 000 miles on it sofar....
    now i dont want to dispute the system has its flaws but sofar i havent had any issues with it..
    no break total fails or levers coming all the way back to the bars....
    i will admit tho i would have bought a blade without abs but here abs is mandatory for all bikes above 125cc as of 2013 so after that year there are no new blades without abs here nomore....
    all i say, it isnt as bad in my opinion as you read on the web....
    i spoke to several abs blade owners here in europe and the majority hasnt experienced the problems mentioned.
    the fast majority of blades here are abs versions so its weird there all allive still if it was as bad a system as you are let to believe given the horror stories....
    having said all this....if i was in the market for a used blade, i would try to find a non abs one simply to avoid the maintenance drama u get when doing a bleed....
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  4. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    The reality is that your opinion is based on not having a situation where you have not totally lost all braking performance.

    It’s a fact, some bikes never suffer an issue whilst others do, so I am pleased that you have not had your safety put in danger yet and maybe never will, which is great, but to comment that in your opinion it’s not as bad as you read on the web, is compete BS, unless you have experienced the issues first hand then your comments are really only valid within your own experience, and the supposition that the issue is actually not an issue is worthless in my opinion, and ultimately toes the Honda line, where they tried to project a position that there were a whole group of owners worldwide reporting factious issues and actually if there were any issues it was down to inexperienced and/or rider errors.

    A sort of fake news before we even knew fake news existed, I must be quite a trendsetter in that case.

    The reality is buying an ABS Blade is playing Russian roulette, you just never know when that bullet has your name on it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. nigelrb

    nigelrb Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2017
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    Not wishing to ruffle feathers, but let's be fair on this. @hessel has merely presented his opinion and experiences of not experiencing ABS faults. Most correspondents concede that not ALL of the respective models experience problems and here hessell has stood up and offered the other side in interest of a balanced view.

    hessell's comments are clearly 'really only valid within your own [his own] experience' and that experience is of nil issues for both himself and fellow riders.

    He does not deny the existence of a problem, he merely states that he hasn't experienced it. We must remember that forums are plagued with problems, but rarely does a favourable experience receive a mention.
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  6. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Mine didn't have issues until over 12k so there's time yet for Hessle to experience the joys of failing. I sincerely hope he doesn't but I'm with kentblade on this one.
    It's a dodgy system end of and Honda have got away with it like most big corporations.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Nigel, agreed he has presented his opinion based on his experiences, which I fully respect, but he then goes onto cast doubt over the issues totally as basically overblown and baseless without any experience of them, at that point his argument is lost IMO.

    I have never, ever disagreed with any owner on here who has not suffered problems on a 2008-16 ABS bike, I am actually pleased they have not had to go through the pain of owning a faulty one, but lets keep the debate to known facts and not supposition, there are enough clear facts out there from owners and initially journalists until they were clamped shut by Big Brother to show the true facts when you have a bike that fails.

    In fact with all the facts out there it beggars belief that someone still cats doubt over the issue.....................unless...............nah they would do that again would they?
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  8. hessel

    hessel Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    all i say is based on my experiences and that of friends of mine with both blades and cbr600rr-s (same abs system)
    and sure i am biased as are those that state the system is lethal....all based on personal experience...
    i am not saying people who have had a problem are making it up....i am sure there not and i aint saying either that i feel the system is great....
    its not in fact i find it is over complicated and a bitch to maintain.
    BUT what i really want to say is i never heard of any complete fail of brakes on these bikes in reall life.....only read about it on the web....
    so just maybe it is all blown a tiny bit out of proportion given the number of abs blades sold worldwide...
    lets be honest, you often only find the negatives online and hardly ever the people who havent had problems...
    my riding buddy bought his 2013 abs from new and rides it every day of the year...his has done close to 70 000 kms now (40 something thousand miles) and he hasnt had a brake fail sofar either....
    so i am sorry but i promise i be the first to mention it on here when my brakes will pop and hold my breath till they do.....
    for now however i just keep enjoying the blade and do not worry about brakes that will fail causse some guy on the web says they will.
    • Downvote Downvote x 1
  9. hessel

    hessel Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    thank you very much.....exactly what i meant to say (and thought i did)
  10. Nigel H

    Nigel H Active Member

    Jun 26, 2018
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    I'm following this thread with interest as I have ABS and I've tested it and was impressed.
    I'd love to know what percentage of bikers ever showed symptoms and more details of when.
    Guessing at what is inside that box I'd say it will not cope with being reapplied or pulsed so it will be OK with an OMG-death-grip but somebody trying to do it's job for it will run out of lever very quickly.
    Is there a map of how it works?
  11. hessel

    hessel Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    mmmm a downvote even....
    i wasnt aware thats the way opposite opinions and experiences are dealt with here...
    bit sad really innit?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Downvote button is easily caught when using a mobile so wouldn't worry about it. If it was an intended use then it's no worse than someone saying they disagreed with you.

    Will take you a while to catch up with @Lozzy :D

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  13. hessel

    hessel Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    all i can say if it works well on your bike just enjoy the ride and dont worry too much...
    it is a stupidly complicated system but i have tried all sorts of situations to make it fail or trip but it didnt in my case...
    not with full on braking nor with feathering the brakes at low or high speed i cant make it go beserk and fail...
    again, i am sure it has failed on some bikes but not on mine sofar....
    if it would and i would experience a near death thingy due to it i would probably rip it off or sell the bike....
    time will tell i guess.....
  14. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I luv downvotes :D can't get enough of them.... kissass.gif
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Unfortunately not, the so called death grip scenario is often when the lever goes straight back to the bar.

    I wont bore everyone with how the system works, its well documented on this site.

    But basically your relying on a stroke simulator and a computer to do what man has done since the invention of hydraulic braking systems, back at base a rather too clever Mr Honda designer thought he could do better than the competition, and by the time he had downed multiple cases of Sake and consumed half the remaining global stock of fresh Flipper meat, came out of his man cave with his invention that would send Bosch into administration and restore pride to the Japanese nation.

    Unfortunately the hardware needed a Nissan flatbed to haul it up to the production line as there were so many bits of it and his kids were still playing Pac Man on their PlayStations, and had really not paid attention to the code they had written for the separate ECU his invention demanded.

    Now in a Honda car, all this extra hardware might have been acceptable, but on a machine where all the manufacturers had spent years trying to reduce every last gram of excess weight, to the point of drilling out bolt centres to save 0.3gms it seemed a little strange, anyway the big chiefs at Big H Motorcycles were too inscrutably polite to question any of this, and to be honest as they had lost the power game years before thought this would be the masterstroke that would put them back on top, so much so, that even an extra 10 kilos of weight wouldn't matter and if their American and European lard ar*d customers were really bothered, they could go on a seafood diet as well, forgetting that actually most of the fish were now endangered as they had already dragged it out of the sea and eaten it, and actually we prefer eating cows, lambs and Mr Piggy.

    So the bikes started to roll off the production line, much to the pride of the amassed Honda bigwigs, they didn't even notice they never stopped rolling because no one had worked out how to bleed the system and even if they did, they could not slow the assembly line down to a slow enough pace.

    None of it mattered anyway, as long as we win the TT it will all be OK they thought, and we know our loyal customers will take any old s*it we produce as they do year after year after year.

    Unfortunately real life proved not to be like a computer game, real people can possibly get real hurt when they pull the brake lever and f*ck all happens, then if they survive, they get real angry when they get online and start to read that this is happening all over the planet to similar people riding the exact same bike.

    Coincidence? Rider error? Inexperience? Road conditions? Dealership techs not following the PDI routine? the list goes on, so many get out clauses there was never any need to worry.

    Back in the man cave Mr Clever Designer was oblivious to all this chaos as he played endless games of Pac Man with his kids, until one night his wife asked him over a plate of sushi, chips and mushy peas, that when they replace their car could they have one with his newly invented braking system on, that got him thinking, what Civic and Jazz models did they finally fit it on..............................
    #55 Kentblade, Oct 1, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2018
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  16. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Hahaha brilliant :D
  17. bonjo

    bonjo Active Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I can't understand why the problem is still here

    Honda changed to industry standard Bosch unit instead of their in house one maybe for 2016 bikes?. So did this not get of rid of the problem then??:rolleyes:
  18. Lozzy

    Lozzy God Like

    Feb 8, 2015
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    No they only changed to Bosch with the latest model 17+ blade. All the others have the dodgy c-abs.
  19. hessel

    hessel Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    well...there u have it...
    ride a blade prior to 2017 with abs and u will die a horrible death....:rolleyes:
    its a given fact and theres no dodging to that bullet:eek:
    all that said, can i now buy that deathtrap of your hands for a few 100 euro? i am willing to take the risk :D
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  20. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Don't overpay my friend, people give them away in frustration.
    • Funny Funny x 3

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