Check out this video of guy riding across a mountain top on a moto-x driving on mountain top ORIGINAL! - YouTube
I think it is, it seems that way because the camera is stapped to his lid which obviously stays in shot not moving giving the perception of loss of movement. Well that's how I see it as it were!
Lucky fucker living in places like this!! My pal just come back from 18 months of off road tour guiding in Nz.. You should see the scenary...
I have to imagine these geezers find making love to their partners extemely boring, you certainly need a full pair of nads to do that?
Oy Pal thats my Right then I rekon the bloke thats on that KTM on the cliff edge does this for a day
I always had two safety lines on when I was working on the lines incase one snapped! I did free climb but if it was windy I used to hook on and it wasn't that high! Scary stuff