its happened. bike is gone. took only 4 hours to sell it but have a few bits off it up for grabs. please keep an eye out if you are up for some good bits. all parts ready to ship. first is a set of forks with ohlins 30 mm kit. in great nick and ready to go. make such a huge difference to the ride. excellent upgrade for the front end....... pictures to follow very soon £500 plus you cover postage.
Interested in these and the fuel cap; looking forward to pics of both! What weight rider are the forks set up for?
yeah work was mental so didnt get a chance. sorry for the delay. just got home and tryna find my own face first so should have pictures up in a short while as too many requests to send to private emails at this stage hahaha
Ready to box and ship. Like I said, I know what they are worth but I’m not here tryna get rich but let someone enjoy these as well. They were set up for my weight with correct spring as well and I’m about 83-85kg with no gear.