Malaysian GP, Sepang

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Mattie660, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. Mattie660

    Mattie660 Elite Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Due to external factors I cannot make it to the German GP or the TT in June, so had to cancel that. June is a difficult time.

    On the plus side I can go to Kuala Lumpur for the Malaysian GP at Sepang in late October early November. Flight paid for on Malaysian Airlines, which seems reasonable, and the hotel in down town Kuala Lumpur also seems very very reasonable.

    Game on, going to Sepang - the idea of going to all of the MotoGP circuits means having to get on a plane sooner or later, can't ride to all of them on my bike.

    Not a massively expensive trip......

    Booyakasha :D
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  2. PauloHRC

    PauloHRC God Like

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Sounds amazing....... Just a tiny bit jealous! :rolleyes::)
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  3. glenn

    glenn Active Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    your love it mate done sepang 7 times now off to winter testing in 3 weeks need any tips just ask
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  4. Mattie660

    Mattie660 Elite Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    7 times ! wow.

    I got the "Premier Roving" grandstand ticket - seems there is no specific seat allocation, just find somewhere within the grandstands to sit. Booked into Ibis hotel in city centre, so got to look at getting from there to the track and back.

    I reckon it is a class circuit, but if you have any recommendations I would be pleased to hear them - whenever you have time ....
  5. glenn

    glenn Active Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    hi mate i get taxi to track will wait all day for you about 250 275 ringgit per day have number if you need or bus run from kl very cheap but long waiit to get back k1 granstand not bad but have found back grandstand best you have screen and can see a lot of the track from there how long are you in kl for bird and butterfly parks good half day trip i am going to kl next week for winter test i am going to visit genting highlands look them up looks a good day out will let you know
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  6. Mattie660

    Mattie660 Elite Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Thanks Glenn

    Really useful, thanks. I would appreciate the number of the taxi. All I have so far is a Lonely Planet Malaysia and the separate Kuala Lumpur LP travel guide.

    I will be arriving on the Monday before race weekend and leaving the Monday after race day.

    I have just upgraded my camera to a Panasonic G9 and I hope to do the tourist thing - take some nice pictures - that is the basic plan.

    Good luck with your testing - whatever it is you will be testing - give it some beanage :D

    Very interested to hear anything about the trip

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