Bike has been in hibernation since the Santa Run at the start of December. Trickle charger fitted and seemingly working. Thought I’d fire it up, and this is what I got... any suggestions? Any help would be gratefully received.
New battery required. Mine was the same - had been plugged into an optimate too. How old is the battery?
Agree with others, most likely (99%) battery is no good. Unless you're super unlucky, it could be a stuck starter motor.
Just incase....don't have the car running when you do this. Also agree it will probably be the battery. Over winter I always remove the battery and keep it in the warmth of the house out of the cold garage. Start of every month I leave it trickle charging for 24hrs only. I've never liked the continuous trickle charging option. But let's face it, batteries are fickle things and they last all different lengths no matter what you do to them.
The battery was new in December, apart from one ride out at the start of December it’s been on Optimate since then... bought a new battery yesterday and it’s fine.. I’ll take your advice to keep it in the house on trickle till the Spring! atleast it wasn’t a stuck starter I suppose
That’s good to hear you’re sorted. A stuck starter would have probably meant water ingress where it shouldn’t which could be a nightmare. Batteries don’t like the cold but I’m surprised the optimate didn’t keep it in good condition.
Try connecting it to the charger just once a month for 24hrs. The rest of the time leave it stood at room temperature completely disconnected. I swear by this method. Updated to say.........I swear by this method October-April. The rest of the year it's on the bike just being used as normal.