hello guys. I'm looking for some help please. I have the about bike 5500 miles on the bike track use only. Its has started to jump out of 5th gear into a false neutral. Bike has HM quick shifter. STM slipper clutch. Today I've pulled the gearbox expecting to find smashed dogs or damaged selector forks, or at least some issue. The box is perfect no damage or wear anywhere. I've dropped box to the local Honda dealership to take a look. On initial look they said all looks good. So I'm looking to your group knowledge. Hit me with ideas or if anyone e has had this issue, Many thanks Phil
Welcome Phil. It's cause by your slipper clutch. You need to remove it and sell it to @dern Seriously though, there are no real issues with 5th on these, sometimes 3rd though. It's probably caused by the setup of the quick shifter, delay set too fast or sensitivity set too high. You may be able to get away with just fitting a Gear Shaft Support if you've not got one already. It's £50 well spent either way.
Thanks for the reply. I have a gear shaft support fitted. As per QS why only 5th gear? Its perfect in every other gear. Boggles my head.
Have you tried running without the qs to eliminate glitches in that? Edited to add... Forget that. Even thinking about it for a second after I posted it it sounds like bollocks.
Not so easy to explain, but the gears respond differently to the amount of pressure from the shift rod as some just drop in smoothly, where as others need a good shove. Also, the final drive speed will be different for each gear, which means that the timing for the QS to cut the revs should vary for each gear, but most quick shifters only have one settings across all gears and end up being too long or too short for some gear changes. I have a similar problem on my road bike where I often hit a false neutral between 3-4th. I've yet to figure out if it's the delay or sensitivity, so have resorted to being a bit more forceful with my gear changes which seems to have done the trick.
Honda gearboxes are crap for false neutrals, right from new, you have to learn to ride to stop them rather than honda fix the issue
Once stripped found these. Have put new 5th and 3rd double gear in today and rebuilt hopefully good for Cadwell Bank Holiday Monday