Andalucia 30 March-1st April 23

Discussion in 'Trackdays' started by Neils400, Nov 17, 2022.

  1. Neils400

    Neils400 New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    Just booked my first overseas trackday with No limits.

    Has anyone done this track - I've heard it's dusty and bumpy.

    Any overseas trackday advice?

  2. Neils400

    Neils400 New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    I'm gonna need my tyre warmers and all that jazz so how am I gonna plug them in?

    Am I gonna need a 16amp commando to uk plug or a 32amp commando to uk plug or just a normal travel adaptor?

    Anyone know the score on these oversea facilities? All I know is that there are pit garages available.
  3. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I've not done a Euro yet, but you should just be able to take a euro adaptor and extension lead for the warmers.
    I would imagine that No Limits and FE etc only book tracks with garages as you leave your bike and kit there between days, so I would pack a chain lock for the bike and a rope lock for leathers & helmet.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Edy

    Edy Member

    May 1, 2022
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    I am booked on this one. Will be my first outing of the year. Three back to back days should do my riding some good. Fingers crossed for some warm dry weather.
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  5. Neils400

    Neils400 New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    I ordered a spare set of tyres today - Pirelli Diablo Supercorsa V2 SC something or other - going with road tyres and ordered some more road tyres from No limits this morning.

    My current set are new apart from one cold and a little damp track day from last year but I have no idea what 3 days on track will do to them so wanted a backup set to take in case.

    Never taken out the wheels from this bike so that'll be fun too.
  6. Coda

    Coda Active Member

    Nov 3, 2021
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    Taking the wheels off is a piece of cake. Putting them back - make sure you know which spacer came out of which side (front) so they don’t go back in the wrong way, and for the rear it can be a pig the first time to get the caliper+bracket into the slot as you’re pushing the wheel in.
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  7. Jay Floyd

    Jay Floyd Active Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    I'm doing the same track in Oct with NL.
    Your tyre warmers will plug straight in with an Euro plug adaptor. Ensure you fill out your carnet correctly (form of what you pack with your bike)
    Drink plenty of fluids and take electrolights to keep you hydrated. You have 4 days on track so there is no need to go balls outs from the off!
    Get tyre pressure advice from the tyre guy there, they know their stuff.
    It's a very technical track so take your time to learn it.
    Don't be a first session hero.
    i have done 5 euro TDs now and love them, just enjoy and don't feel pressured to do every session.
  8. Neils400

    Neils400 New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    Thank you for the advice. Already done my carnet form. planning to take much the same as a UK trackday apart from the kettle as I wont need one!

    I've ordered some tyres through NL to be fitted in Spain at some point.

    One more UK ride on the blade before I remove the mirrors and screen! I've bought a Powerbronze screen and some mirror blanking plates to fit when I'm over there.

    I've only ever ridden Donington so I've been watching all the youtube videos of much faster BSB riders going round Andalucia. Looks bumpy and a lot quicker average speed but we'll see!

    If I crash the wife defo wont let me do another!!
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  9. Neils400

    Neils400 New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    Wow. That was amazing.

    Andalucia is a great technical track that flows nicely.

    My S21 tyres have now done 4 days on track. 3 here at Andalucia and 1 at Donington and they still have loads of life in them. They were great.

    brakes were fine. I’ll have a look at wear once I get home

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