First Track Day - Daft Questions

Discussion in 'Trackdays' started by Marc, Feb 17, 2023.

  1. Marc

    Marc Active Member

    Jun 3, 2019
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    So I’ve finally taken the leap and booked my first track day. I have been on track before, I did the Ron Haslam school twice but I’ve never done a ‘normal’ track day. Going to Oulton Park at the end of April. Booked with MSV via Bennett’s/Bike Social so it’s not cost a huge amount and if I don’t enjoy it I’ve not lost much. Got a few questions though and hoping the regular track day riders can assist please.

    I know I need a brake lever guard for my bike, should be easy/cheap enough. Not sure about the noise level of my bike. Are there any apps that are reasonably accurate? Got a Werx can on my RR6, it’s not overly loud and never had any MOT issues so should be ok but nice to check beforehand. I’ve seen in the past that folk put tape on lights, is that needed? Anything else I need to think of?

    Kit wise I believe I need a back protector. Any recommendations?

    I have no tow bar/trailer/van so will be riding to and from the track, (circa 90 minutes from home). I’d like to take some bits eg snacks, visor cleaner, bottle of water, mobile power pack, etc. I’ll take it in a rucksack but whilst on track is there somewhere secure to leave it? I’ve read that garages are first come first served, if for some reason you don’t get a space in one is there somewhere else to chill out between sessions, (especially if it’s pissing it down)? I’ll fill the tank up near to the circuit on my way down, presume I can buy more at the track if needs be?

    Bizarrely the riding is the bit I’m least concerned about. I’ve a vague idea of the track layout from spectating at Oulton and I’m in Novices so no huge pressure. My focus for the day is just getting a feel for it all, see if track days is something I want to get into on a regular basis.

    Any help or advice gratefully received.

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  2. Saqib

    Saqib Active Member

    Jul 20, 2020
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    I'd like to know also. Great question @Marc
  3. Coda

    Coda Active Member

    Nov 3, 2021
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    Brake lever guards are 6-10 quid off eBay. Don’t bother with the flash 50-60 R&G stuff (unless you wanna of course :))
    Regarding noise level, it’s a crapshoot really, noise apps give you a ballpark but different phones will give different results. Also important is how you test. I put my phone on a tripod and measured 1m from the exhaust end at 45 degree angle. With that I was able to guess whether I’d pass the drive by at Donny with my new double baffled exhaust. It was fine. I need to do the same with my Ducati that has carbon sils. I will be taking the road legal cans with me in case I’m black flagged, and I recommend anyone taking a risk with noisy cans to do the same risk mitigation. Of course if you’re riding to track you can’t do this :confused:
    Neither MSV nor No Limits asked me to tape my blade lights, but then they are plastic and shouldn’t need it. If you have glass lights then yeah, tape em up even if not asked to, it’s just sensible.
    I haven’t been to Oulton yet so can’t say but I’d say don’t worry about being in the novices. Every time I’ve been in the novices I’ve seen people riding around like they’re on a Sunday drive in an old car. You WONT be the slowest :p
    Edit: back protectors - I don’t have a “proper one” just the one that came in the suit. Both msv and nl said it was fine. I might splurge for a proper one this season but last year I spent a fortune on bike bits and clothing already.
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  4. CharlieR85

    CharlieR85 Elite Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've never struggled to get a garage at Oulton, just turn up on time for the gates opening and you'll have your pick. Doesn't make your stuff secure though, that's all just done on trust.

    There's a Shell garage just down the road that you should brim your tank at on your way in, here is the location....

    They do sell fuel on site at dinnertime but it's expensive and there's always a huge queue, I just nip back to that petrol station. You have more than enough time at lunch, it's only 5 mins away.

    Same as @Coda I just have the back protector that came with the leathers, you don't need a stand alone one. Aslong as you're in 1 piece leathers nobody will bat an eyelid.

    If you have a baffle take it with you, I've never had a problem with an Akrapovic slip on without the baffle. I've never seen anyone flagged for noise at Oulton on MSV days and you hear some really noisy bikes, far noisier than blades.

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  5. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Re the riding there bit. Just take what you think you need in a rucksack, bearing in mind that there will be power in the garages. I've not done Oulton, but there is usually somewhere safe to put your bag. When you get there to sign on just ask as there will be others doing the same thing.
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  6. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I'm booked on the same one as you, just come and look me up.
    What I would do in advance is to find out correct tyre pressures for on track for the tyres fitted to your bike, I know most Michelin ones but not sure on other brands.
    I am also hoping you've booked a "Dry Weather Day" :)
    If your there early enough I could see if you can get a place in our garage, that's assuming I get a garage but you need to get there early as it's on a first come bases.
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  7. NS400R

    NS400R Elite Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Interesting choice for a first trackday. Nearly every corner other than Cascades is blind
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  8. Marc

    Marc Active Member

    Jun 3, 2019
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    Thanks all, really helpful advice.

    I’m in 2 piece leathers. They’re RST and do have some form of back protector in the jacket, wondering if that’ll be enough now? 1 piece leathers is one of the things I’ll invest in if I enjoy the day and choose to do more.

    I’m likely to be there early on the day, I hate lateness so always tend to arrive at things with time to spare. What time would you recommend to be there for? As soon as the gates open do you head straight for the garages and put your towel on the lounger, so to speak?

    I hear what you’re saying about Oulton being a tricky circuit but I’m very much there to just get a feel for trackdays. I can be quite disciplined when needed so will happily tuck in behind someone circulating at a moderate pace, even if I’m thinking I could corner 20mph quicker. It’s a Bennett’s day so McGuinness and Hicky are there, day out for me rather than a day for pushing myself. I board the ferry for the IOM one week after the track day so stuffing the Blade into the gravel trap is not on the to do list.
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  9. CharlieR85

    CharlieR85 Elite Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You're fine in 2 piece aslong as it zips together, my mate does trackdays in 2 piece RST leathers.

    Exactly this.
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  10. Keeef

    Keeef Active Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    From MSV Last Year:
    C2 [Back Protector] is good – as long as it covers the majority of the spine.
    If this is a two-piece suite then the zip needs to go all the way round (no skin/undergarment shown when the rider raises arms above the head).

    I also trackday in RST 2 piece leathers and have never had a problem.
    Hope this helps, enjoy your track time :cool:
  11. PauloHRC

    PauloHRC God Like

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Oulton is an amazing track, I did my first tack day there too a mere 21 years ago!! Since then I've done quite a few at Oulton, mainly for its location but its just a nice flowing but technical track.

    You're right about the brake lever guard, they're now mandatory at all track days and easy to pick one up cheap on ebay. No point spending alot on one because in the event you actually use it, even the expensive ones can break easily!

    You should be ok with your Pipeworx exhaust, a lot of people use them for track days. If you're unsure though......why not ride down to the track next time there's a track day on and just take you're bike to the end of pit lane and get them to do a noise test on it. I did it and they were more than happy to.oblige (it failed btw) also spent a few hours there watching from pit lane wall. Will give you a feel for what happens and you'll know what to expect more! I've always taped up my lights but I don't think its necessary unless the lenses are glass.

    Riding down is not ideal if you're going to get the most from your experience but if there is no other choice then you'll still be fine as its do-able.. I've road to one before but had my brother in a car towing his bike on a trailer. We didn't manage to get a garage on that occasion but at least we had the car as a base. Try and get there early and get a space in a garage and you'll feel much more settled. Get chatting to someone straight away and I'm sure they'll keep an eye on your gear while you're out on track. There is nowhere really you can chill out other than the restaurant but you won't want to do that in between every session, just sit on the floor in the garage or watch the other groups while they're out on track! This is where having a mate with you in a car who can bring kit like tyre warmers, tools or even something as simple as a deck chair to sit down!

    Other than that..... yes, just get a feel for the track in the first couple of sessions but just remember, not everyone in the novice group will be track virgins and you'll even get guys on proper track bikes who will come past you out of no where and scare the shit out of you so keep your wits about you!

    I'm sure you'll enjoy it and next thing you know you'll be buying tyre warmers and looking at hire vans ready for the next one!! Have fun;)
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  12. AbuJane

    AbuJane New Member

    Feb 7, 2023
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    Re back protector, i bought this and have tried it on while riding around recently, good fit, good straps and should fit under my 1-piece Alpinestars leathers. Hope this helps:

    Lever guards: these are made by a guy on the Facebook Track Addicts group

    I've just started getting my 'stuff' together for my first ever track day - 5-day trip to Almeria at end of April - the guys on here and FB Track Addicts have been super helpful and patient with me
    #12 AbuJane, Mar 5, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2023
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  13. Neils400

    Neils400 New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    I haven’t been to Oulton yet so can’t say but I’d say don’t worry about being in the novices. Every time I’ve been in the novices I’ve seen people riding around like they’re on a Sunday drive in an old car. You WONT be the slowest :p

    Too true! Last time Once I was at Donny hiring a ZX6R from Smallboys - they had a fella hire out their fireblade who managed 2:50 laptimes in the inters! They were worried about him squaring off the tyres!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. Neils400

    Neils400 New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    There will be lots of guys with all the gear and no idea too! so don't be intimidated by the other bikes in your group.
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  15. FairWeatherBiker

    FairWeatherBiker Active Member

    Mar 16, 2021
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    Just got a place in inters (must have been a cancellation). Will be riding 60 minutes to the track, done it many times. Ruck sack with all the supplies I need is all that I am taking.

    As you say garages are reasonably easy to get. There will be 6-10 of you in there first thing in the morning. You will get to know one another and it is likely that you will be in different groups, so the trust thing is that you will all look after one another’s stuff rather than there being any where to secure anything.

    Never been black flagged for noise at Oulton. I have been at Donny and that is with a standard RRR SP. If you have something nosier, you may want to try the noise test at 1 meter from 45 degrees.

    There is always someone faster than you or slower (unless you are McG or the one on the Sunday ride out). Bennet’s days do seem to draw courteous bunch of riders who are prepared to wait until after the apex to overtake. It should be a good day (as long as the weather holds).
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  16. androo007

    androo007 New Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Make sure your 2 piece zips all the way around - not 3/4 like many do. They'll ask you to raise your arms above your head - if any clothing can be seen underneath, you're done for.

    Get the cheapest lever guards on ebay, they do the job. IMO a good back protector is worth it, I went for
    Alpinestars Nucleon KR-2 Back Protector
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. AbuJane

    AbuJane New Member

    Feb 7, 2023
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    So, how was it?
  18. Marc

    Marc Active Member

    Jun 3, 2019
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    Yeah, was a good day thank you. Got what I wanted from it, which was to suss out how they work etc. Helped having Ritchie from the forum on hand for help and advice, plus I buddied up on the day with a guy who like me road to the track and back. He’d done 5 or so track days before so was handy having him show me the ropes.

    Decided last minute not to risk my 2 piece leathers so bought a 1 piece from SportsBikeShop. First suit was too snug so had to order the next size up. Arrived the afternoon before my track day, so not ideal. Also bought a proper back protector so wore both for the first time on the bike on the morning I set off for the track. Felt very alien and a bit stiff but at least I had no concerns about zips.

    Garages and area behind them was very busy. I believe it was due to BSB being there that weekend so they were starting to set up. I took nothing with me in the end aside from phone and wallet in my leathers so not having a garage wasn’t an issue.

    Found Oulton quite easy to get to grips with, much easier than Donington I thought. My biggest issue was overtaking and not being assertive enough. I’d get stuck behind a rider I’d caught up with and then spend 2 laps sat behind them. That’ll come with practice/confidence though I’m sure. Did 5 sessions in total, rain started mid afternoon and I still had a 70 mile ride home so jacked it in then.

    Will definitely do more. I need to get a vehicle anyway so looking for something with a towbar and I’ll look to get a trailer. Think not riding there and back to a Trackday will mean I can pull the pin more without worrying about getting home afterwards. I’d come to a point where I was thinking of getting rid of the Blade, riding it on local roads just doesn’t float my boat any more. Going to hang fire for now though and maybe hold onto it as a track/IOM bike.

    Thanks for all the advice etc from everyone, much appreciated.
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  19. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I've become a bit like that. I don't just go for a bible any more. I need a ride with a purpose, like a group ride, or a track day.
    FWIW I'm considering a JW day at Cadwell on July 19th.
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