2004 cranks but wont start. HELP Please

Discussion in 'Maintenance' started by Jason3108, Feb 10, 2023.

  1. B626

    B626 New Member

    Jul 2, 2021
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    If no error codes stored on ECM this would indicate either fuel pressure supplied is incorrect and so injectors do not function or an ECM failure as it is unable to self diagnose a fault.

    First step would still be to confirm fuel pressure and fuel flow rate.

    Side stand up would only be a problem if the bike was in gear, double check it's in neutral to eliminate a faulty side stand switch too I suppose?
    #21 B626, Mar 16, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023
  2. Jason3108

    Jason3108 New Member

    Feb 10, 2023
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    Sorry, I meant the MIL won't blink if stand isn't down according to that document. I have confirmed side stand, neutral and TIP switches/sensors are all ok.
    As far as fuel pressure, bike doesn't start so I can't measure fuel rate at idle but I can definitely measure volume and time and hopefully that wil be enough to work out if there is enough pressure. I am thinking more and more that I am looking at fuel pressure problem now.. I changed fuel pump a month ago and the pressure regulator sits right next to it in the same bracket. I may have knocked it or bumped it just enough to create an issue that didn't start straight away. The pump was quite difficult to get out of the bracket. Maybe the pressure reg shit itself. I will try measure fuel pressure/flow and also try forcing some fuel into rails by sealing fuel hose in a bottle with fuel in it and squeezing. If I get a cough or splatter then there is the problem.If not I will put an air gun into bottle and send it with some pressure. I will pull it out on the weekend and have a go. I am a little excited that I have something to try that could be the answer after all the testing I have done. Thank you guys for advice. I am actually excited to try because I have just about given up. I will let you know soon.
  3. Mamado

    Mamado New Member

    May 21, 2023
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    A bit of a daft answer but I assume plenty of fuel in the tank
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  4. Broadie

    Broadie Active Member

    May 26, 2020
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    When you switch the bike on. How long does your fuel pump prime for?

    Sounds like you have a leak between the pump and the tank outlet. Internal tank hose should be R10 grade, I think.
    #24 Broadie, May 24, 2023
    Last edited: May 24, 2023

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