Hi guys. I thought I'd start a new thread to let everyone know that the guards are now ready. I'll PM everyone on the list tonight and get details and payment sorted. In the meantime hear are some pics as promised
The List for Chain Guards Tucker Vino MegaWatt x 2 Bertie Villian Mogsy Ieathaggis: paid Rp1 Bobmg Simonypvs Bill12r HRC G Simonh
The List for Chain Guards Tucker Vino MegaWatt x 2: Paid Bertie Villian Mogsy Ieathaggis: paid Rp1 Bobmg Simonypvs Bill12r HRC G Simonh
Just a reminder guys. When you pay could you please also let me know your forum tag, that way I know for sure who has paid. Thanks
Tucker Vino: Paid MegaWatt x 2: Paid Bertie Villian Mogsy Ieathaggis: Paid Rp1 Bobmg Simonypvs Bill12r HRC G Simonh
Tucker Vino: Paid MegaWatt x 2: Paid Bertie Villian: Paid Mogsy: Paid Ieathaggis: Paid Rp1: Paid Bobmg: Paid Simonypvs: Paid Bill12r: Paid Simonh